
Let me See!



Expert Navigator (120)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

LegendaryPride - DemisexualWordy
07-29-2024, 05:15 PM

Ignita could tell the girl was frightened for her life. Ignita was in getting shit done - freak about it later mode.

"Those that eat from the storerooms, yup, those that have been hunting in the woods for sure. Can't say for sure why. I can come up with a bunch of possibilities. Things like immunity, only eating the meat they've caught, maybe the dried or processed meat weakens the disease and makes it safer. Regardless, it's here, and you and I have already eaten it. We can't think about it now, now it's time to get your paws dirty and earn your keep." Ignita was a little sharper than she intended but she wasn't going to let the panic sink in. She had too many other lives to think about. Too much to do.

"Let's go, if you're not feeling the disease already you probably can't get sick and we're going to need all the help we can get." The girl hadn't offered a suggestion, ah well.

"Let's pack up a cart and start to throw this shit in the bonfire." She'll have to find a way to clean the storerooms.

"Actually, I have to go to the smokehouse and stop all production." She muttered to herself pausing, then looking back at Vesper, "You are going to take Oso here," She nodded to the mini reindeer, "lash him up to one of the carts and start pulling all the meat, hides, and plants from here and throwing them in the fire. Carefully, don't smother the fire. Bas will kill us both if it goes out." She ordered. Ignita wasn't thinking about doing things right, she was barely thinking, probably why she wasn't as emotive as usual.

"Questions?" She was about to let Vesper get to work and head to the smokehouse and then to the woods. There was no more point to this quarantine. They needed to get everyone out and burn the whole thing.


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Basilisk may enter her threads without warning.

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