
Unseasonably Warm [Atreyu]



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

3 Years
07-31-2024, 06:49 AM (This post was last modified: 08-18-2024, 07:16 AM by Valkeyrie. Edited 3 times in total.)
The creature continued its seemingly friendly banter, something that in most would have inspired trust yet Val’s stance remained the same. Her struggle to trust Atreyu was not at all rooted in Atreyu and her size, but rather the emotional blackmail she endured when she was young. Her ears flicked at the offer of food, the subtle show of emotion akin to a distrustful chuckle. Who on Earth would offer free food? Of course if Val was better at communicating she probably could have just asked but instead she simply stared at the dire wolf with a steely gaze.

” Thank you for the offer” she said calmly dipping her head ever-so-slightly, she had been carefully schooled in these games. She knew the right lines to say. ”but I am still full from my breakfast earlier and it would be much of a waste.” she gave a wry smile, a practiced movement that did not reflect in her eyes. If she allowed the creature to hunt for her she would owe the creature a debt and she did not have any room for debts.

She did not mention that since having left her home pack she had rarely eaten, she did not mention how much weight she had lost. She did not mention how the ‘breakfast’ she had this morning was the sip of water she had just taken. She did not mention how it would not take much more to convince her to eat.

”I am Valkeyrie” she said by way of introduction. ” You are quite well built, from which line do you hail” she asked, attempting a not so subtle dig for information about the women. The creature’s size was impressive to Val and honestly she did feel somewhat jealous. If she were that large then perhaps she would not be as weak as she were.

Her eyes wondered the horizon after the mention of food, once again studying the tall creatures that were grazing amongst the multitude of flora in the distance. It was fascinating to see how they seemed to selectively eat the varying plants. Almost as if they knew what was poisonous and what was not. They seemed to avoid the blue and purple flowers yet eagerly ate the red and yellow. She made a mental note of that, if the horse were avoiding the blue and purple flowers of this area then she was sure it was something important to know.

*Added for Navigator points
Navigator 3/3 – Explored a new land (Algoma Prairie)
Intellect 2/3 – Met someone new (Altreyu)