
starry night, starry eyes

nav + intellect



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Navigator (10)

1 Year
Large species
07-31-2024, 02:14 PM
Admittedly, his attention didn't stay fixated on Gem for long. It would return to her, but as he began his descent down the sand dune, he couldn't help but scour the ground for anything interesting. There wasn't much to be seen though, aside from the wide stretch of sand all around them - glimmering ethereally against the moon's light. Occasionally the sandy ground was broken up by some stray rocks, their surfaces tumbled smooth from the winds that tended to whip through here, and even more rarely bits of vegetation struggling to grow under these desolate conditions. Nothing he needed to keep, that was good, since he hadn't quite found a way to carry these hypothetical things he didn't have yet... but that was a problem for a different day. For when he found something worth keeping, probably.

He tried to keep his balance as the sand threatened to give way beneath his paws, and his claws flexed slightly to dig into the firmer soil beneath the sand as he sank in and slid slightly downhill. "Oh," he breathed, entirely unused to traveling on sand. "Ain't used to this sorta place," the feline admitted, having no trouble at all admitting that he was out of his elements here.

At least with the sun's retreat the world quickly had begun to cool off. It was a swift enough drop that all the worry he'd had - which wasn't much at all, by most creature's standards - seemed to fade instantaneously.

His greeting was met with a smile and he returned it, shooting the stranger a friendly smile as well. His eyes fell on the mastiff he hadn't noticed before, and he stiffened for a moment until he decided he wasn't about to get ganged up on, thankfully. He had no problem being scrappy and fending for himself but he was content on this fine spring evening to enjoy the scenery, maybe present company included.

"Right? Doesn't look too bad here at all!" He admitted, moving a few long strides closer as well. His tufted ears swiveled slightly toward her as he listened. "I'm from pretty far from here. Never seen anything like this place before in my life." Which, given his young age, wasn't saying a whole lot. "Name's Cygnus, by the way," he introduced himself, bobbed tail giving another small wiggle as his gaze fell away from her and to those high-reaching palms, noting the way they swayed in the gentle breeze against the rapidly darkening sky.

table coding by bunni ♥