




Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
07-31-2024, 02:53 PM
Juniper praised his attempt at flirting and he couldn't help but respond with a goofy grin as his tail wagged in response. It was silly, but it was still nice to feel like he was doing something right and wasn't making a complete fool of himself. He hadn't really been expecting her to pass a compliment back to him with this little "training" session of sorts she was giving him, but her comment about his smile make his cheeks flush a bit and his grin widened with a bashfulness at the unexpected comment. Before he could thank her she reached over to pat his paw, adding that she hoped he always had a reason to smile. That caught him off guard in a way that he was sure she had no way to predict. He really hadn't been given many reasons to really smile in his life and Vanille had been his one constant source of happiness–at least for a little while–and now even that was gone. Meeting Juniper was really becoming more of a highlight than the little woman probably knew.

He chuckled as she winked and sat back once more and he tried to hold on to that light, playful feeling that she had created with her game, but it was pretty hard to keep that emotion that her wish for him had caused from seeping through to the surface. Her next challenge for him left him at even more of a loss than the first as she told him to try again, but to get a little more risqué with it. She wasn't wrong that there was plenty of tension that had never really had a consistent outlet that he would certainly want to let out, but knowing what to say or how to say it was hard. He looked at her in a complete loss for a moment as he tried to think of a risqué flirt, but all he could really think about was what he would want to do with her and to her to let out this "tension" as she put it. Finally, it dawned on him. Why did those have to be mutually exclusive?

"I do hope we get to the fun you mentioned," he said after a moment of thought, a sly grin pulling at his lips. "I can't stop thinking about how much I'd like to scoop you up and let out this tension." He lowered his head to bring his muzzle closer to hers, peering down into her captivating mint gaze. He still felt like he was making things up as he went, but she was making it easy to try. "You know, I've never gotten to taste a fae before..." he rumbled quietly, bringing his lips within inches of hers, letting all of his attention be drawn into her and distracting himself from his own uncertainty as he just let his own desire speak for him. "You could be my first... I bet you're delicious."

"Arcturus Indarra"