
In the night, we feel so alive



The Hallows
Expert Physician

Expert Healer (225)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
08-03-2024, 08:12 PM

Ellara stood at the edge of The Shimmering Shore, her pink eyes reflecting the eerie glow of the phosphorescent waves. The autumn air was cool against her latte-pink and coffee-brown fur, a gentle breeze ruffling the feathers of the owls perched on her shoulders. Their presence was a comforting weight, a reminder that she was never truly alone.

The shoreline was a canvas of shifting light, each step she took leaving a trail of green-blue luminescence in the shallow waters. It was mesmerizing, almost magical, how the bacteria responded to her touch, creating a path of light that mirrored the stars above. She paused, taking in the serene beauty of the scene. It was a rare moment of peace, a stark contrast to the turmoil that often filled her days.

Ellara's thoughts drifted to her recent acceptance into The Hallows. Decorating her room had been a welcome distraction, a way to carve out a space of her own amidst the castle. Yet, there was an underlying tension she couldn't shake despite how happy her new home made her. Her heart still ached from the breakup with Melisande, the wound still fresh and tender. Why had she let herself get attached so easily? It bordered obsession, and filled Ellara with deep regret now that she was left alone.

Her inner thoughts were interrupted by the sight of a boat cutting through the waves on the horizon, its silhouette growing larger as it approached her. Curiosity piqued, she watched intently, her senses growing more and more alert as it neared. The vessel's movements were deliberate, purposeful, not the casual drifting of a fisherman's boat. A sense of unease settled in her chest as it did not seem to change its path once she was certain she was visible to it, and she instinctively shifted her stance, ready to protect herself if she so needed.

The boat beached itself with a muted thud not far from her, and shadows moved aboard. Pirates, perhaps? The thought was chilling. Ellara's grip tightened on sand beneath her paws, her battle-hardened instincts kicking in. She would not let herself nor her owls be taken easily. The shimmering waters around her seemed to pulse with her resolve, casting an otherworldly glow on the night.

Tonight, the serenity of The Shimmering Shore would be shattered, and Ellara would be ready.

[ 1/3 Fought a large opponent (Slavers) ]


Ellara has two Barred Owls, Halia and Eos, that can be assumed to be with her at all times.