
In the night, we feel so alive



The Hallows
Expert Physician

Expert Healer (195)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
08-03-2024, 08:12 PM

Ellara stood at the edge of The Shimmering Shore, her pink eyes reflecting the eerie glow of the phosphorescent waves. The autumn air was cool against her latte-pink and coffee-brown fur, a gentle breeze ruffling the feathers of the owls perched on her shoulders. Their presence was a comforting weight, a reminder that she was never truly alone.

The shoreline was a canvas of shifting light, each step she took leaving a trail of green-blue luminescence in the shallow waters. It was mesmerizing, almost magical, how the bacteria responded to her touch, creating a path of light that mirrored the stars above. She paused, taking in the serene beauty of the scene. It was a rare moment of peace, a stark contrast to the turmoil that often filled her days.

Ellara's thoughts drifted to her recent acceptance into The Hallows. Decorating her room had been a welcome distraction, a way to carve out a space of her own amidst the castle. Yet, there was an underlying tension she couldn't shake despite how happy her new home made her. Her heart still ached from the breakup with Melisande, the wound still fresh and tender. Why had she let herself get attached so easily? It bordered obsession, and filled Ellara with deep regret now that she was left alone.

Her inner thoughts were interrupted by the sight of a boat cutting through the waves on the horizon, its silhouette growing larger as it approached her. Curiosity piqued, she watched intently, her senses growing more and more alert as it neared. The vessel's movements were deliberate, purposeful, not the casual drifting of a fisherman's boat. A sense of unease settled in her chest as it did not seem to change its path once she was certain she was visible to it, and she instinctively shifted her stance, ready to protect herself if she so needed.

The boat beached itself with a muted thud not far from her, and shadows moved aboard. Pirates, perhaps? The thought was chilling. Ellara's grip tightened on sand beneath her paws, her battle-hardened instincts kicking in. She would not let herself nor her owls be taken easily. The shimmering waters around her seemed to pulse with her resolve, casting an otherworldly glow on the night.

Tonight, the serenity of The Shimmering Shore would be shattered, and Ellara would be ready.

[ 1/3 Fought a large opponent (Slavers) ]


Ellara has two Barred Owls, Halia and Eos, that can be assumed to be with her at all times.



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

WinnerCritical Observation!Critical Fail!How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Rapid Poster - BronzeStudent
08-03-2024, 09:13 PM

Eltrys had gazed over the cliffs of Lazuli Falls, to take in the scene over the shoreline. The glow of the waters began to grow as night descended in its dark embrace. His eyes of iceberg blues had caught a shape familiar to him in name only. A boat. He had arrived on the shoreline a few seasons ago similarly. He wondered if new arrivals were coming ashore.

In the darkening night he turned and slowly made his way down the slope, around the crystal blue waters of the pool below the falls, and turned down the path toward the beach. He wondered if anyone from the Hallows would be greeting the newcomers as well? He was curious if they came from his old homeland as Atreyu had.

He walked along the shoreline, a familiar terrain and an uneasy prickle began to work its way into his deep chocolate fur. He picked up his pace as he saw the boat begin make landing. Something was off. Something was wrong. The energy was not of inspired elation, it was an overwhelming cloud of dread.

A cry high overhead from Feyr told him! Slavers! The swallow-tailed kite swapped down and stole one of the knives of the slavers reaching the beach and flung it into the water!

Eltrys was running full throttle toward them. He noticed a woman facing off with them, prepared to meet them head on.

"Ellara! Slavers!" He called out to warn her just as the first slaving wolf lunged for her. With a snarl, he lunged at another who had seen him coming!



The Hallows
Expert Physician

Expert Healer (195)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
08-03-2024, 09:31 PM

Ellara's mocha-colored ears perked at the sound of Eltrys' urgent cry, commanding her immediate attention. "Slavers!" The word sent a shiver down her spine, adrenaline surging through her veins. Her eyes, wide with alarm, locked onto the dark shapes emerging from the boat, their intentions clear in the menacing way they moved.

The first slaver lunged at her, teeth bared and eyes wild. Ellara moved with practiced grace, her battle training evident in the fluidity of her movements. She sidestepped the attack, leaving a trail of glowing water, feeling the rush of air as the slaver's jaws snapped shut where she had been moments before. With a swift motion, she struck with the blades of her bracers, slicing through the slaver's vitals along his neck. Blood mixed with the blue glow of the bacteria, creating an eerie scene of red and blue.

Eltrys' arrival was a blur of dark fur. She saw him clash with another slaver, their bodies a chaotic tangle of fur and snarls. Feyr, the swallow-tailed kite, circled overhead, his presence a constant, sharp reminder of the danger they faced.

"Halia, Eos, attack!" Ellara called out, her voice clear and commanding. At her command, the owls swooped down from the sky, their sharp talons ready to strike. She turned her attention to the third slaver coming off the ship toward her. The slaver's eyes glinted with malice, but Ellara stood her ground, her muscles coiled like springs.

As the third slaver lunged, Ellara met him head-on, her bracers clashing against his claws. She pushed him back with a powerful shove, using her momentum to gain the upper hand. The slaver staggered, and Ellara seized the opportunity, delivering another swift and decisive strike with her bracers.


[ 2/3 Fought a large opponent (Slavers) ]
Ellara has two Barred Owls, Halia and Eos, that can be assumed to be with her at all times.



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

WinnerCritical Observation!Critical Fail!How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Rapid Poster - BronzeStudent
08-03-2024, 09:48 PM

His attacker met him head on, they met chest to chest. Snarls and growls reverbed through the air as they raked their claws over each other. Eltrys shoved his head forward, his helm a formidable tool. His foe was daunted and released their hold on him. Eltrys brandished his antlers back and forth to drive the slaver back into the water. The gathering evening would not be their friend but he would be able to catch their movements in the shallow waters with the light of the blue magic in the waters.

He heard Ellara call out to her owls just as his attack dove into trip Eltrys and shove him into the water. He was not easily moved, his stance dug into the wet sands. The slaver met his spiked vest and balked backward. He sent them into the water as a fourth joined the fray launching themselves off the boat and knocking Eltrys fully into the glowing waters. His head dipped under the waves briefly until he flung his head back, knocking the jaw of the second one who had tried to take its chances to overcome him! How was Ellara faring? He couldn't see!



The Hallows
Expert Physician

Expert Healer (195)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
08-03-2024, 09:56 PM

Her last blow to the Slaver was enough to make him stagger and then collapse into the water, defeated. Ellara's heart pounded as she saw Eltrys struggling then, two slavers attacking him. Without hesitation, she sprang into action, her owls swooping down to distract the attackers. Ellara dashed through the glowing waters, her bracers glowing as the bacteria clung to them, a ethereal trail of lights in her wake.

She reached the nearest slaver, slashing with her bracers, cutting deep into his side. The slaver howled in pain, but Ellara was relentless. Dodging his strike, she delivered a fatal blow to his throat.

Turning to the second slaver attacking Eltrys, Ellara lunged forward, striking with her bracers and forcing him to release Eltrys. "Eltrys, get up!" she shouted, deflecting the slaver's blows. Her muscles burned, but she held her ground.

In the heat of the battle, the final slaver managed to land a blow, his claws raking across Ellara's flank. She hissed in pain but didn't falter. Summoning her remaining strength, she struck again with her bracers, driving the slaver back.


[ 3/3 Fought a large opponent (Slavers) ]
Ellara has two Barred Owls, Halia and Eos, that can be assumed to be with her at all times.



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

WinnerCritical Observation!Critical Fail!How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Rapid Poster - BronzeStudent
08-03-2024, 11:00 PM

Like a phosphorate phantom bent on revenge Ellara ran through the water!
She took on one of his attackers, he flailed at his other attacker trying to pin him down. Trying not to swallow or snort in the glowing waters. He held his breath as he pushed, his back legs shot up to destabilize his opponent but they dodged it! He wrapped his arm around the leg holding him down but his strength was waning as his reserves of oxygen reached critical levels.

Suddenly he was released and his name was shouted over the water. He pulled himself from the would-be glowing grave with a sputtering cough. Weakened and wheezing he charged through the shallows with his head lowered.
"Move!" He rasped loudly for Ellara to avoid him. His pronged antlers speared into the slaver's neck and sliced the jugular. He lifted the new carcass up into the air making a rain of blood fall into the water as he arched the body over him with an immense force.
It landed a leap away like a bag of wet sand.

Done. Defeated.
His legs shook as he coughed and swallowed. She shook his pelt clear of the nerves.

"Good. Safe. You're safe." He stammered as he forded the waters back toward the shore. Avoiding the body on the beach. He panted and coughed again. A good fight. Well done.



The Hallows
Expert Physician

Expert Healer (195)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
08-04-2024, 09:16 PM
Her pink eyes watched as Eltrys pulled himself from the glowing waters, his breath ragged and labored. The last slaver lay defeated, the eerie blue light of the bacteria illuminating the scene of their hard-fought battle. Relief washed over her, mingling with the adrenaline still coursing through her veins.

She made her way to Eltrys, her movements slower now as the pain from her wounds began to register. Her side burned where the slaver's claws had raked her, a sharp reminder of the fight's intensity. Reaching Eltrys, she saw the exhaustion etched into his features, she notice his legs trembling as he struggled to stay upright.

"Eltrys," she called softly, her voice filled with concern. "Are you alright?" She stepped closer, examining him for any serious injuries. She noticed the shallow cuts and bruises but not anything life-threatening. Satisfied that he would be alright, she allowed herself to feel the full extent of her own pain. She winced, pressing a paw gently against her side. The wound was deep and blood trickled down, mingling with the phosphorescent water.

"I need to go back to the Hallows and treat this wound, but first.. I want to see what they have on their ship." Despite her pain, she made her way to the vessel, the ominous structure looming against the night sky. Carefully, she stepped aboard, her senses alert for any remaining threats. Ellara searched through the hold, hoping to find something that might provide insight into their enemies' intentions.

Ellara has two Barred Owls, Halia and Eos, that can be assumed to be with her at all times.



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

WinnerCritical Observation!Critical Fail!How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Rapid Poster - BronzeStudent
08-06-2024, 04:40 PM

He cleared his throat again as Ellara stepped closer. Then forcefully blew through his nose down at the water. With a ragged sigh, he lifted his face to the fae.

"Alive. Thank you." He replied, his eyes watery and stinging. She had taken most of these brutes herself! "Well done." He remarked as his lungs finally started to clear though his throat still burned.
His brows furrowed as he noticed she was favoriting her side. Little droplets of blood hit the water in illuminated circles. He was no worse for wear, somehow as he had been fighting none of his scrapes had given him much lasting damage. Although his tussle with some slavers before had given him the worst kind of bruise along his back that took weeks to heal.

As his breath evened out he growled a warning at her. He was not keen on letting her get on that boat by herself with her injury. He scrambled himself aboard and took care to watch any corners or shadows hiding cowardly slavers. He stepped in front of her as they approached a door to the lower deck. He pushed it open and took in the scents. It was a fairly shallow boat but it had some supplies.

"Alright. It's clear," he said with a guttural huff backing out of the small hold and letting her ransack any goods she might find. He kept his eyes on the rest of the boat and the shore.



The Hallows
Expert Physician

Expert Healer (195)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
08-07-2024, 06:45 PM
Ellara watched as Eltrys cleared his throat and blew water from his nose, then lifted his face to her with watery eyes. "Alive. Thank you," he said, his voice sounding more rough than usual. She nodded, feeling some relief wash over her. She saw the concern in his eyes when he noticed her favoring one side, but she knew she was not the only one that would walk away with bruises of the battle they had both endured.

When she mentioned checking the ship and Eltrys growled out a warning, Ellara was initially confused. Had he wanted the ship for himself and Polaris? She realized soon that it was out of protectiveness over her, a rare quality among those she had encountered. Most wanted to eat her alive, it seemed. As he pulled himself aboard, Ellara followed, wincing with each step but determined to see it through.

She watched Eltrys as he surveyed the ship, following behind him to the door leading to the lower deck. He declared it clear and she nodded her head in both appreciation and understanding. As she searched through the hold, Ellara couldn't help but admire Eltrys. He was a handsome man, his dark fur and iceberg-blue eyes striking against the eerie glow of the bacteria. More importantly, he was a good friend, always looking out for her.. and leaving her just a little bit more well-prepared for the world after every encounter they had together. As a girl that grew up without her father, that meant a lot to her. Outside of her brother, Adriel, there was no one else that had proved she could trust them like Eltrys. She had met her share of evil men, and his kindness and bravery were stark contrasts that she deeply appreciated.

"Thank you for looking out for me, Eltrys," she said softly, her voice was genuine. She gathered some useful supplies in her satchel, her mind already planning on how to share each that she collected with The Hallows. Linens that could be used as either bandages or gauze, dried meat and fish, flint and steel for starting fires, and what appeared to be a small map of the Northern half of Auster. That was particularly useful to her since she was more familiar with the South. The last that she took was a long rope, draping it over her shoulder along with her satchel.

As she prepared to leave the ship, Ellara adjusted the new weight on her shoulders and looked to Eltrys, a small smile playing on her lips despite the pain in her side. "It's not every day you meet someone willing to face slavers head-on with you. Thank you for not leaving me alone."

She paused for a moment, looking at him through a curious gaze, then continued, "You know, I don't know much about you despite how much you have helped me. I've heard bits and pieces, I know you are a Guardian of Polaris, but I'd love to hear more about who you really are underneath that."

Ellara's tone was warm and inviting, her eyes reflecting her genuine curiosity. She felt a nervous flutter in her chest, worried she might be overstepping. Especially after Melisande broke her heart, she found it difficult to be so bold with anyone. But Eltrys was different, and she wanted to build a deeper connection - and it.. it wasn't like this had to be romantic, right? He had no idea she was as nervous as she was... right? "May I ask for a little more assistance from you, yet? Maybe you could walk me and this bad leg back to Hearthstone, and tell me a little more about yourself on the way?"


Ellara has two Barred Owls, Halia and Eos, that can be assumed to be with her at all times.



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

WinnerCritical Observation!Critical Fail!How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Rapid Poster - BronzeStudent
08-10-2024, 10:10 PM

His eyes scanned the beach, then the watery horizon as Ellara rummaged through the slaver's supplies. He grabbed a thick rope that was coiled by his feet, slung it over his head, and walked a leg through it. so it crossed his chest. He glanced up at the Castle. Ellara had the smell of the Hearthstone to her. Eltrys had many interactions with a few different members of the Hallows. Was Ellara one of them now? Fair enough, he had offered the invitation of joining Polaris but he had also been forthcoming of their recent shortcomings. Glad she had found a safe place to lay her head.

Eltrys perked his ear to her soft gratitude. Giving her a slow soft blink and a subtle nod in return. It was a matter of course for him. He knew the evils of this world were wide and plenty, he didn't need to be one of them. He looked up to the cliffs of his home, his heart heavy.

He pulled down the tattered canvas sail from the rigging and rolled it up into the rope slung over his chest. He looked up to Ellara preparing to leave and bringing his attention back to her.

Another expression of gratitude, "Of course Ellara! I've had a few run-ins with them myself and my packmates." He took another look at the horizon and beach, scouting for any more trouble before they let the craft. His attention was drawn to the soft rosen woman a third time and he tilted his head to her.

Ah... yes he was rather reticent, wasn't he? "Oh... I... Yes... I can." Suddenly his ribs a cage for butterflies and birds fluttering their wings against his wide but constricting chest. He stepped forward for her to lean on him and slowly helped guide her off the beach. As they walked he didn't know where to start, he never did. He still wasn't used to sharing anything of himself.

"On the mainland... Before I came here I was... trained as a priest. My brother was king and we were meant to..." Ahh... no... The news he had of his brother was not good and he had tried his best to set that aside since hearing it. "Well... My uncle was the high priest and I was meant to take his place..." This was harder than it had been with Haydee. When he told Haydee his past she had been digging the grave for her nephew, and he was able to sit next to her and keep her company. She had insisted on digging it alone. Honestly, it wasn't easy to tell her either.

"Honestly... I'm a pampered spoiled religious highborn, who survived an assassination, was cast down, and discarded by other pampered spoiled religious highborns. I was a pacifist priest, then a castaway, then a pacifist hunter. I found a home here, it and... its people... were threatened. Now I am the Guardian." He stared ahead, the path slow. He didn't meet her gaze, his own heartbreak clear through his determination.



The Hallows
Expert Physician

Expert Healer (195)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
08-11-2024, 04:53 PM

She listened intently as Eltrys' spoke, her heart aching at the weight of the words he could barely speak. She could sense the pain and reluctance in his voice, the struggle to share something so deeply personal. As he guided her off the beach, she leaned into him for support, grateful for his strength both physically and emotionally. Ellara, although she appeared of strong resolve, was emotionally frail herself.

His revelation about being trained as a priest, a highborn with a once-pampered life, took her by surprise. She hadn't expected such a story from the strong, capable Guardian she had come to know. She was the furthest thing from a highborn, born in the wilds, and she had considered him so similar to herself. The mention of the assassination attempt and the betrayal by those he once considered his own only deepened her admiration for him. He had gone from a pacifist priest, to a castaway, to a pacifist hunter, and now a Guardian. It spoke volumes of what he had went through, and about his strength of character today.

Ellara glanced at him as they walked, even if he did not glance back. She studied the determination etched into his features to remain strong as he spoke about himself, but also the heartbreak that lingered underneath that. She felt incredibly empathetic, knowing too well the feeling of being discarded by what was supposed to be family, and of losing everything you once held dear.

"It's clear you have been through a lot," she said softly, her voice laced with understanding. "And yet, here you are, standing strong and protecting someone who needs it. With everything you have been through, I hope you are also proud of who you have become..." she trailed off, attempting to choose her words carefully.

"I.. know it's not easy to share your past, especially when it has been as rough as yours. But, I am grateful you did. It helps me understand you better.. and.. makes me respect you even more than I already did." She hesitated, nerves getting to her as well and causing her chest to flutter, but she pressed on. "If you ever want to talk more about it, or anything else, I'm here to listen. I trust you, Eltrys... and, you can trust me."

"You know, there is so much more to what makes you you than just your past or your status in a pack. Your past certainly shapes you, but it doesn't define you entirely. There's your kindness, your bravery.. and I'm sure there is a lot more that I don't know yet." She glanced at him, hoping to lighten the mood a little with a small smile. "For instance, what is your favorite food? Or do you have a hidden talent that no one knows about, like maybe you're double jointed or something?" She smiled again, her tone warm and inviting in an attempt to shift the conversation from heavy memories of the past to something lighter, something that might bring a smile to his face; Ellara really wanted to make him smile. Ellara hoped her words would offer some comfort, that he would see she wasn't just interested in his strength as a Guardian, but also in the man he was underneath the armor.


Ellara has two Barred Owls, Halia and Eos, that can be assumed to be with her at all times.



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

WinnerCritical Observation!Critical Fail!How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Rapid Poster - BronzeStudent
08-12-2024, 07:35 PM

While it was hard for him to speak about himself, he was glad for the company and the opportunity to try. It wasn't often someone asked about him. He nodded sagely to her understanding tone and commented about how far he'd come. Yes, he was grateful to be where he was now. He had a driving purpose, a better purpose that served and helped more than his priesthood ever would.

He glances at her curiously with a grateful smile as she remarks her growing respect for him. Hesitating a half step for a moment as if to silently ask her, "really?" Then continue their trek up the path to the Hearthstone castle.

Ellara continues and offers her ear and shoulder to him to listen. He hummed at the offer, considering, a grateful note to his gravelly hum.

An iceberg blue eye flickers to her again as they walk, evident mirth in the half-moon squint of his eyes as she praises him a little too... forwardly and asks him his favorite food or hidden talent. He laughs a deep hearty laugh at that. He was easy to please and eager to turn toward the light. He was grateful for her quest to find a silver lining for their trek.

He sighed, "Ahh... Ellara... If I had not played the same game so recently I would take you up on your offers of trust and favorites!" He could see right through her nervous questing, "I commend you for your boldness. You will go far for certain and find someone your equal! I have set my eyes upon another for now. Though I sit uncertainly as I may have pushed too fast for her, against my judgment. I welcome your company though. I will tell you this then, my favorite meal is caribou from the coldest northern reaches. Though I am acquiring a taste for the antelope here." His voice was warm and deep, with a velvet laughter toned in ease.

They made it to the border of the castle.



The Hallows
Expert Physician

Expert Healer (195)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
08-12-2024, 07:49 PM

Ellara felt a warmth spread through her as Eltrys smiled at her words, the gratitude clear in his eyes. His brief hesitation, as if silently asking if she truly meant it, only deepened her admiration for him! She nodded encouragingly, matching his pace despite her bad leg, as they continued their journey up the path to Hearthstone Castle.

His deep, hearty laugh in response to her playful question about his favorite food and hidden talents was a welcomed sound, lightening the weight that had been hanging over them both. Ellara couldn't help but smile, feeling a bit of her own tension ease at his laugh. She had been nervous, unsure if her attempt to shift the conversation to something lighter would be welcomed, but his laughter reassured her that he was at least amused.

However, as Eltrys responded, her heart sank just a little. His words, though kind and filled with warmth, were a gentle rejection. He spoke of having his eyes set on another, a bittersweet reminder that not every connection would lead to where she might hope. But she masked her disappointment with a smile, not wanting to dampen the moment.

"Ah, caribou from the coldest northern reaches," she echoed, her voice carrying a bit of her broken spirit but also a hint of playful curiosity. "I've heard it's a delicacy. A very nice choice. Maybe one day I will get to partake, if I'm ever that far North."

As they reached the border of the castle, Ellara felt a mix of emotions. She had opened herself up again like she had with Melisande, been bold in her approach, and she wasn't quite sure why she would do that again.. so soon.

"Thank you for sharing that with me, Eltrys," she said, her tone sincere. "I appreciate your honesty, and I'm grateful for your friendship. I hope you understand just how much your guidance and protection has meant to me, despite that I am no Polaris wolf." As they crossed the safety of Hearthstone, Ellara looked up at the castle, her mind swirling with thoughts and emotions. She had been rejected, yes, but she also had gained an even deeper understanding of Eltrys and that only strengthened her admiration for him and whoever his beloved was. In the end, that was something worth cherishing as well.

She gave him a small smile and a brief dip of her head as they parted ways, making her way up the stairs of what was now her home.


Ellara has two Barred Owls, Halia and Eos, that can be assumed to be with her at all times.