
Homeward Bound

Bas / Sea



Expert Fighter (175)

Advanced Intellectual (105)

2 Years
Dire wolf
08-03-2024, 09:00 PM

Charlie was thinner and bore a long scar down his leg but he had survived. His time in the mine after one of the tunnels collapsed had been a living hell. Within the darkness he waited, the sound of his own heartbeat and the smell of his fear overwhelming him. He was afraid, afraid that the tunnel would be his tomb. A falling rock had done some sort of damage to his leg, a fracture of some kind he assumed. There was pain, and blood… and Silveris, his dear companion, had been less fortunate than he had been. The poor bird had been crushed by the falling stone, leaving Charlie to mourn her. Silveris had been a good friend, a good companion… she hadn’t deserved the death she had gotten.

And, if it hadn’t been for Yorrick’s persistence, he would have been dead by now too. The fisher had managed to free enough of the stones to squeeze in and out of Charlie’s prison. In confirming the wolf was alive he had sought to bring him food, water, and then seek aid. Charlie prayed for his friend’s return. He figured that Yorrick would head back to the Armada and that would be the end of it. Bas would send someone to dig him out. Only… no one from the Armada came. Days passed as Charlie grew feverish from his injuries. He slipped into the sweet embrace of darkness, guilt heavy in his chest for just… disappearing. His family would never know what happened to him.

When Charlie awoke he was in a den, somewhere beyond the mine. There was a strong herbal smell, and there was food too. He ate, drank from a bowl, and slipped back into sleep. This would continue for some time as he recovered, the infection eventually breaking. When Charlie finally awoke to another wolf, he found an elderly male caring for him. Tua was his name, and apparently he’d come across an injured Yorrick who pleaded with him to help his companion. He’d later meet his children, Mia and Pau. It was thanks to their diligent efforts that they were able to get Charlie out, and their father had taken over care from there.

Charlie told them about the Armada, about how he needed to get home, but Tau would hear none of it until his leg was in better shape. So Charlie remained with them, gaining strength, until he could return. And that fateful day came one spring morning. He thanked Tau and his children and bid them farewell. Then he set off for the mountains in the distance.


It was evening by the time he reached the borders of the Armada. He’d been gone for so long… would Basilisk consider him a traitor? Having abandoned his family? His pack? Charlie let out a soft sigh, ears falling. He hoped that he would understand… He supposed if worse came to work he could go back to Tau and his children. But his heart was here… it had always been here. Tilting his head back Charlie let loose a howl for Bas.

He wanted to come home.

"Speech," 'Thought.'