
A Calling

Res, Bunni


08-05-2024, 11:00 PM

Graive moved with an ethereal grace through the moorland, her pale blue eyes reflecting the ghostly beauty of the Runestones. The dusk had settled, casting a soft twilight over the landscape, and the air was heavy with the scent of earth and moss. Each step she took was careful, her massive paws making barely a sound against the soft ground. The vast expanse of stones, scattered and ancient, called to her in a language she could not comprehend, yet it resonated deeply within her soul.

The moonlight bathed her in a silvery glow, highlighting the contrast between her sleek gray coat and the pristine white that traced along her spine and underbelly. The white stripes on her chest gleamed, their pattern a natural testament to her unique heritage. Despite her imposing size, there was a fragility to her form, her slender frame a testament to the malabsorption that plagued her. Yet, this did nothing to diminish her elegance; rather, it accentuated the delicate balance of strength and vulnerability that defined her.

She approached the clearing with a mixture of awe and reverence, her gaze lifting to the dozen upright stones that formed a perfect circle. These granite sentinels, adorned with mysterious runes, seemed to shimmer under the faint light of the rising moon. The inscriptions were a riddle of time, with X's, arrows, spikes, forks, and spires etched into their surfaces, each rune a whisper of a long-forgotten era. Graive paused at the edge of the circle, feeling the weight of history press gently against her spirit.

The air was thick with an almost tangible magic, an ancient energy that made her fur stand on end. She moved closer to one of the stones, her eyes tracing the intricate patterns carved into the granite. The symbols were foreign, their meanings lost to the ages, but their beauty was undeniable. The stone felt cool against her fur as she pressed the side of her head, neck, and then body gently against it, closing her eyes to savor the connection. Here, among these ancient markers, she felt an unexplainable but overwhelming calling. The moonlight played across her form, casting shadows that accentuated her slender yet powerful frame, making her appear almost otherworldly as she leaned against the stone.


[ 1/3 Explored a new land (The Runestones) ]