
A Calling

Res, Bunni


08-05-2024, 11:00 PM

Graive moved with an ethereal grace through the moorland, her pale blue eyes reflecting the ghostly beauty of the Runestones. The dusk had settled, casting a soft twilight over the landscape, and the air was heavy with the scent of earth and moss. Each step she took was careful, her massive paws making barely a sound against the soft ground. The vast expanse of stones, scattered and ancient, called to her in a language she could not comprehend, yet it resonated deeply within her soul.

The moonlight bathed her in a silvery glow, highlighting the contrast between her sleek gray coat and the pristine white that traced along her spine and underbelly. The white stripes on her chest gleamed, their pattern a natural testament to her unique heritage. Despite her imposing size, there was a fragility to her form, her slender frame a testament to the malabsorption that plagued her. Yet, this did nothing to diminish her elegance; rather, it accentuated the delicate balance of strength and vulnerability that defined her.

She approached the clearing with a mixture of awe and reverence, her gaze lifting to the dozen upright stones that formed a perfect circle. These granite sentinels, adorned with mysterious runes, seemed to shimmer under the faint light of the rising moon. The inscriptions were a riddle of time, with X's, arrows, spikes, forks, and spires etched into their surfaces, each rune a whisper of a long-forgotten era. Graive paused at the edge of the circle, feeling the weight of history press gently against her spirit.

The air was thick with an almost tangible magic, an ancient energy that made her fur stand on end. She moved closer to one of the stones, her eyes tracing the intricate patterns carved into the granite. The symbols were foreign, their meanings lost to the ages, but their beauty was undeniable. The stone felt cool against her fur as she pressed the side of her head, neck, and then body gently against it, closing her eyes to savor the connection. Here, among these ancient markers, she felt an unexplainable but overwhelming calling. The moonlight played across her form, casting shadows that accentuated her slender yet powerful frame, making her appear almost otherworldly as she leaned against the stone.


[ 1/3 Explored a new land (The Runestones) ]




Beginner Hunter (0)

Advanced Fighter (60)

6 Years
Large species
08-06-2024, 09:52 AM
The day had been well spent sleeping and resting for the night to come. Typical of most big cats, he preferred the cool, calm, and quiet of the darkness. When the world slept around him, he would move at his best. As the sun began to dip behind the horizon, his fiery amber eyes would flutter open. Paws stretch forward, toes splaying as he leans up into a graceful stretch. While most animals would not feel comfortable sleeping out in the open of this very field, Raumr did not care. He was a predator after all and had little fear that anyone would attempt anything.

Giving his freshly groomed mane a good shake, he turns to see if Taiga had indeed stayed nearby. She had mentioned a wolf that she was interested in who he now was also interested in meeting. Would Taiga be going to fetch this Aylin? Or would she have stayed to rest for the time being? There was no time like the present, now was there?

Just as he turns back toward the grouping of runestones, eyes scanning the landscape for a quick snack, he notices something silvery pressed against the stones. A humid breeze shifts, picking up and bringing him the scent of the feline that lingers. Another... lioness? Tigress? Both? Someone like him? Another astounding find that Raumr had not expected. Ligers would exist outside of his homeland?

Eager for an answer, Raumr prowls forward. Smooth, easy steps guide him through the damp grass toward the stranger. His eyes never leave her as he approaches. Slow and steady, he doesn't want to spook her. Instead, he keeps his distance at first, assessing her with a friendly lopsided smile as he too leans against another stone. The cool material sends a shiver upon his touch, but not enough to deter him.

"Am I to be blessed twice or am I seeing a ghost?" Raumr inquires, his honey thick tones a deep rumble over the quiet field.

Raumr Regalus, the Third
table coding by bunni ♥
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Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

6 Years
Paleo species
08-06-2024, 10:19 AM

Taiga did, in fact, stay nearby. The glowing stones had been where she and Aylin met and they would be where the duo would meet again. The lioness hadn't quite wanted to let Raumr out of her sight just yet, being drawn to him as she was. It had been a long time since she'd come across another cat remotely as large as herself, and a male to boot. Perhaps it was something in her DNA, but the pull of a lioness to a lion was a strong tether indeed.

The black and white giant followed behind Raumr with long, quiet strides, amazing for something of her size. Taiga's paws were massive, soft snowshoes that muffled each step. It was amusing to see the lion glance back at her to make sure that she was still there.

Raumr's voice spoke into the mist as they made their way back towards the standing stones after their little run. Rounded ears shifted and the cave lioness moved forward to stand beside the maned man. Ruby eyes landed upon the slender grey feline and a rumble of interest reverberated through Taiga's wide, snow colored chest. Two big cats in one day? What were the odds?

Taiga is a Panthera Spelaea- a Cave Lion.

She stands 63" at the shoulder and weighs a whopping 700 lbs.


08-06-2024, 10:42 AM

The silvery light of the moon danced upon Graive's frail frame, accentuating the gray and white hues of her fur as she remained pressed against the runestone, her scent now a part of it as well. Her pale blue eyes, reflecting both the moonlight and the ancient mystery of the stones, lifted as she sensed movement nearby. The scent of another feline - a.. lion? liger? by the scent of it - reached her, carried on the humid breeze. It was difficult to get a good read, but there was something else that she had never encountered before on the wind. Her gaze sharpened, curiosity piqued to bring her out of her inherent melancholy.

When Raumr's voice broke the stillness, it was a rich, honeyed rumble that reverberated through the quiet field. Graive turned to face him, her eyes locking on to his fiery amber ones. Her lips curved into a soft, pretty smile as she took in his imposing form, the well-groomed mane, and the confident air of a predator. Her attention then shifted to Taiga, whose immense size and striking black and white fur left Graive momentarily breathless. Taiga towered over her, which was a feeling that Graive was not familiar with; a marvel of strength and grace. Graive was enthralled with the sight.

"Be us blessed or haunted, it seems tonight holds many surprises," Graive replied, her voice a gentle purr, tinged with a subtle charm. She straightened from her position against the stone, stepping forward with a fluid elegance meant to impress. "I am Graive Ferrox. It is a rare sight to see others of our kind in Auster."

She moved closer, her tail rising as her slender form appeared almost ethereal under the moonlight. Despite her skinny appearance, there was an undeniable grace and beauty in her movements. "It has been some time since I have encountered others like me." Her ghostly stare drifted between them, her melancholy momentarily replaced by her interest in both of them. "You both seem.. powerful. Formidable even. It is captivating... like the pull of fate. I would be honored to share this night with you, if you will have me."

Her words were sincere, yet carefully veiled. Graive's true thoughts - her desire for strong allies to aid her in her hunts - remained hidden beneath her charming exterior. Tonight, she would see where this unexpected encounter might lead, despite the thrill and danger that quickened her heart.

Her attention then shifted back to the ancient runestones, their surfaces shimmering under the moonlight. She traced the runes with her eyes, trying to decipher the stories they might tell. The intricate patterns fascinated her, each symbol a mystery. Her mind wondered, contemplating the paws that had etched these enigmatic designs into the granite.

The land around her was equally captivating, a moorland bathed in a silvery glow with the faint rustling of leaves and distant calls of nocturnal creatures adding to the mystique. Graived breathed in the cool, earthy scent of the night, feeling a deep connection to the natural beauty in both her peers and the land that surrounded her.

[ 2/3 Explored a new land (The Runestones) ]





Beginner Hunter (0)

Advanced Fighter (60)

6 Years
Large species
08-08-2024, 11:25 AM
Raumr feels comfortable with Taiga at his side. Having someone who is familiar with these lands to help guide him to new adventures erased an unsettled emotions he may have otherwise felt. He only lets one more glance in her direction linger before his attention is fully upon the ghostly grey liger that steps away from the stone toward them. Her beauty is ethereal and different than the imposing power that Taiga held. Even her words are graceful and Raumr can't help but cant his head curiously toward her. Eager would be an understatement for the male.

"Seeing as I am new to Auster, it is a pleasure to see one of my own kind here," Raumr admits, his words fluid as he steps closer to Graive, his tail flicking toward Taiga to see if she too wanted to join him. "Fate does have a funny way of making things happen, does it not?" He looks back at Taiga then with a cheeky smirk before looking back to Graive. "They call me Raumr Regalus and the beauty beside me is Taiga," his gaze shifts between the two females, curious to see how they will interact with each other. "It is up to her who shares the night," he admits, an eager rumble in his chest.

Raumr Regalus, the Third
table coding by bunni ♥
photo credit



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

6 Years
Paleo species
08-10-2024, 02:58 PM

Taiga watched the interaction between the pair of ligers. A tinge of jealousy bit at her mind. Not because she felt covetous of Raumr, but because she felt covetous at the fact that they were the same species. The cave lioness would never be able to feel that same sense of kinship and belonging again. Not in this place. After all this time though, if winter opened up the path between Boreas and her old home... where would she choose to go? Though she had made friends here, there were no lasting relationships. No one to come home to. No home at all. Taiga was still utterly alone.

The voices of the pair brought Taiga out of her ruminations and she directed her gaze back towards them. Graive, the pale woman named herself. Raumr then introduced them both, paying her complement as he did so. The thickly furred lioness released a soft chuff of amusement at his words and nodded to the slender feline. She was a beautiful creature, slim and lithe whereas Taiga was rounded with muscle. There was a loneliness in her pallid gaze that Taiga recognized. She made the decision then that they would be friends.

Graive spoke of accompanying them for the night and Raumr deferred to Taiga. The rosette covered lioness gave a nod of approval. "If we are to become a temporary pride, we should feast. There are deer nearby. Boar as well. Take your pick and I can deliver either." Or they could hunt with her. Taiga only imagined that the pair might like to get acquainted, being of the same species and all.

Taiga is a Panthera Spelaea- a Cave Lion.

She stands 63" at the shoulder and weighs a whopping 700 lbs.


08-11-2024, 05:40 PM

Graive felt Raumr's gaze upon her, his curiosity evident as he introduced himself and Taiga. The warmth in his voice, paired with the playful flick of his tail, made her feel surprisingly welcomed. Yet, it was Taiga's reaction that intrigued her the most. The larger lioness, though imposing, had a certain vulnerability in her eyes that resonated deeply with Graive. She could sense the weight of loneliness in Taiga, a reflection of her own melancholy. With the way Taiga looked at her, there was something unspoken that let her know she understood this, as well.

As Raumr spoke of fate and introductions, Graive dipped her head respectfully to them. "It is a pleasure to meet both of you," she said, her voice soft yet steady. The idea of forming a temporary pride intrigued her - safety in numbers, after all - but it was the mention of hunting that truly sparked her interest.

Graive's heart stirred when Taiga offered to hunt for them. It was a simple gesture, but one that resonated deeply within her. Having grown up in a world where hunger was a constant companion, the thought of someone willing to provide for her was both foreign and profoundly moving. She was used to scraping by, to hunting alone or going without when the prey was too swift or too scarce. Taiga's words touched a place in her that had long been guarded; a place that longed for the comfort of a reliable companion, a protector, even if only for the night...

Her pale blue eyes softened as she regarded Taiga, a quiet gratitude shimmering within them. "You are.. most generous," Graive said, her voice almost a whisper, laced with true appreciation. "The thought of sharing a meal, or feasting without fear, is more than I could have hoped for."

As she spoke, her gaze drifted momentarily back to the ancient runestones surrounding them. The symbols carved into the granite seemed to shimmer in the moonlight, their mysterious meanings just out of reach. Graive couldn't help but feel that fate had guided her to this place, to this very moment. The runes were unreadable, yet they spoke to her in a language of destiny, as if this meeting with Raumr and Taiga had been written in stone long before any of them had arrived. The circle of stones felt like a sacred space where the paths of strangers could intertwine, if only for a fleeting time.

For a moment, she allowed herself to feel the warmth of this temporary pride, to imagine what it might be like to belong, if only briefly, to something larger than herself. The offer of a hunt was not just an opportunity to eat; it was a gift of connection, of kinship - a chance to experience a fleeting moment of what she had always been denied.

"Let us hunt boar together," Graive continued, her resolve strengthening around the two of them. "I would be honored to follow your lead." She stepped closer, ready to join them in the chance, her heart racing not just from the thrill of the hunt but from unexpected kindness.

[ 3/3 Explored a new land (The Runestones) ]





Beginner Hunter (0)

Advanced Fighter (60)

6 Years
Large species
08-21-2024, 12:02 PM

Raumr holds quiet for a moment while the two females converse. The feeling of pride within himself is wondrous. Is this how it felt? To be a part of something? To start something new? He looks from Taiga to Graive, that lingering smile hovering on his lips as if he was in a daydream. There had never been a moment before his arrival that he thought his life would be like this. Having spent many days, weeks, and months accepting that he would possibly be alone forever almost made the adjustment difficult. Now here he was, with two beautiful lionesses ready to explore and forge a new path.

Turning his attention to Taiga, Raumr nods in agreement. "I think boar would be a fine option for a group hunt," he offers his opinion, tail twitching with excitement. There was no better test of skill than a hunt.

The Kittens
table coding by bunni ♥

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1. A Calling The Runestones 11:00 PM, 08-05-2024 02:37 PM, 10-02-2024