
A Calling

Res, Bunni



Beginner Hunter (0)

Advanced Fighter (60)

6 Years
Large species
08-06-2024, 09:52 AM
The day had been well spent sleeping and resting for the night to come. Typical of most big cats, he preferred the cool, calm, and quiet of the darkness. When the world slept around him, he would move at his best. As the sun began to dip behind the horizon, his fiery amber eyes would flutter open. Paws stretch forward, toes splaying as he leans up into a graceful stretch. While most animals would not feel comfortable sleeping out in the open of this very field, Raumr did not care. He was a predator after all and had little fear that anyone would attempt anything.

Giving his freshly groomed mane a good shake, he turns to see if Taiga had indeed stayed nearby. She had mentioned a wolf that she was interested in who he now was also interested in meeting. Would Taiga be going to fetch this Aylin? Or would she have stayed to rest for the time being? There was no time like the present, now was there?

Just as he turns back toward the grouping of runestones, eyes scanning the landscape for a quick snack, he notices something silvery pressed against the stones. A humid breeze shifts, picking up and bringing him the scent of the feline that lingers. Another... lioness? Tigress? Both? Someone like him? Another astounding find that Raumr had not expected. Ligers would exist outside of his homeland?

Eager for an answer, Raumr prowls forward. Smooth, easy steps guide him through the damp grass toward the stranger. His eyes never leave her as he approaches. Slow and steady, he doesn't want to spook her. Instead, he keeps his distance at first, assessing her with a friendly lopsided smile as he too leans against another stone. The cool material sends a shiver upon his touch, but not enough to deter him.

"Am I to be blessed twice or am I seeing a ghost?" Raumr inquires, his honey thick tones a deep rumble over the quiet field.

Raumr Regalus, the Third
table coding by bunni ♥
photo credit