
In the night, we feel so alive



The Hallows
Expert Physician

Expert Healer (225)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
08-07-2024, 06:45 PM
Ellara watched as Eltrys cleared his throat and blew water from his nose, then lifted his face to her with watery eyes. "Alive. Thank you," he said, his voice sounding more rough than usual. She nodded, feeling some relief wash over her. She saw the concern in his eyes when he noticed her favoring one side, but she knew she was not the only one that would walk away with bruises of the battle they had both endured.

When she mentioned checking the ship and Eltrys growled out a warning, Ellara was initially confused. Had he wanted the ship for himself and Polaris? She realized soon that it was out of protectiveness over her, a rare quality among those she had encountered. Most wanted to eat her alive, it seemed. As he pulled himself aboard, Ellara followed, wincing with each step but determined to see it through.

She watched Eltrys as he surveyed the ship, following behind him to the door leading to the lower deck. He declared it clear and she nodded her head in both appreciation and understanding. As she searched through the hold, Ellara couldn't help but admire Eltrys. He was a handsome man, his dark fur and iceberg-blue eyes striking against the eerie glow of the bacteria. More importantly, he was a good friend, always looking out for her.. and leaving her just a little bit more well-prepared for the world after every encounter they had together. As a girl that grew up without her father, that meant a lot to her. Outside of her brother, Adriel, there was no one else that had proved she could trust them like Eltrys. She had met her share of evil men, and his kindness and bravery were stark contrasts that she deeply appreciated.

"Thank you for looking out for me, Eltrys," she said softly, her voice was genuine. She gathered some useful supplies in her satchel, her mind already planning on how to share each that she collected with The Hallows. Linens that could be used as either bandages or gauze, dried meat and fish, flint and steel for starting fires, and what appeared to be a small map of the Northern half of Auster. That was particularly useful to her since she was more familiar with the South. The last that she took was a long rope, draping it over her shoulder along with her satchel.

As she prepared to leave the ship, Ellara adjusted the new weight on her shoulders and looked to Eltrys, a small smile playing on her lips despite the pain in her side. "It's not every day you meet someone willing to face slavers head-on with you. Thank you for not leaving me alone."

She paused for a moment, looking at him through a curious gaze, then continued, "You know, I don't know much about you despite how much you have helped me. I've heard bits and pieces, I know you are a Guardian of Polaris, but I'd love to hear more about who you really are underneath that."

Ellara's tone was warm and inviting, her eyes reflecting her genuine curiosity. She felt a nervous flutter in her chest, worried she might be overstepping. Especially after Melisande broke her heart, she found it difficult to be so bold with anyone. But Eltrys was different, and she wanted to build a deeper connection - and it.. it wasn't like this had to be romantic, right? He had no idea she was as nervous as she was... right? "May I ask for a little more assistance from you, yet? Maybe you could walk me and this bad leg back to Hearthstone, and tell me a little more about yourself on the way?"


Ellara has two Barred Owls, Halia and Eos, that can be assumed to be with her at all times.