
I'd be the voice that urged orpheus, when her body was found

abraxas sermon time!


Raiders Hollow

Advanced Healer (60)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

Extra large
08-08-2024, 12:42 PM

Pythia sits rigid beside Cutlass as her soft toned uncle speaks. Their mother wanted them to know the importance of their bloodline? Her head cants, curious to understand deeper what that meant. Already, before the lesson even begins, Pythia is enraptured and hungry to know more. She ignores the meat set in front of her, unwilling to allow the noises of her chewing to interrupt the vocals of Pontifex. There was something about him, the way he speaks, how he smells, how his body moves through the air that draws her in. Was he a god already before ascending? Something... she couldn't place a paw upon it.

As the rest of the group piles in and introduces themselves, Pythia feels the itchiness of impatience. If the others would just hurry up and get settled, their uncle could begin. Holding herself back as she waits, her breath releases when Pontifex finally starts. Her ears are pressed firmly forward, drinking in every wispy word that he speaks. The story is wonderful and sorrowful in all the right and wrong ways. Pythia's heart wrenches in her chest for Abraxas. Only the weak would do such a thing to their God... Her lips bristle as her teeth clamp together.

Their uncle does warn them to take time to think, to mull, to ponder over what was told to them. What would be the best question to ask first? Her mind lingers on it, filtering through the many things she wishes to speak when her sister, Sagittarius peaks up. Pythia's ear and nose turn toward the huffy nature of Sagittarius with a furrow of her brow. She understands the frustration from her sister for Abraxas' mistreatment, but perhaps her sister doesn't understand the dire evil that jealousy and envy truly was... Would those who could see ever feel such an emotion as she had before?

Instead, Pythia attempts to deter from the question with one of her own. "So it is possible we may rise to godhood and avenge Abraxas?" Pythia poses the question, turning her face back toward Pontifex, not quite looking at him, but close enough that it is clear her words are for the older man.


Pythia is completely blind.