
A Song of Ice and Fire




Beginner Fighter (0)

Novice Healer (15)

2 Years
08-10-2024, 04:25 PM
The quarantine was coming down. Almost all of the Armada had been infected by this strange blight by now and while none had died so far, Marina was just waiting for the first of them to start dropping like flies. So far, her medical gear had kept her safe, though it hadn't protected her from gravity. The she-wolf walked with a limp, her hind leg still bandaged and healing from her impalement. It would take some time to know the full extent of the damage or if she'd ever walk right again, but by the grace of the gods, she wouldn't be maimed for life in this hellscape of a wasteland.

The arrival of the Warlord's falcon to summon her to him was an unwelcome surprise. Marina sneered at the bird, but did as she was bid. The going was slow, but Marina eventually hobbled her way back to the Col, following the falcon at her handicapped pace, getting pelted and drenched by the downpour. Whatever he wanted, it had better have been good to make her weather this storm. When she arrived at the tyrant's den, the sounds coming from within were... unsettling. Groans and growls of pain, ragged breathing, all the things you never wanted to hear as a doctor. Marina's expression drew tight with concern as she entered the den.

And her concern was warranted. Inside, she found the Warlord and his once-slave consort, the latter so round with pups she looked fit to burst. How she'd ever managed to carry Basilisk's mutant children to term were a medical marvel. Perhaps if she didn't survive this ordeal, Marina could conduct the autopsy and find out what Ignita was made of that made her so incredibly durable. "You summoned me." She spoke directly to Basilisk, paying only a sideways glance to the femme in agony. It wasn't a question. "I'm assuming because of this?" Marina turned her attention to Ignita, limping her way over to where she lay on her bed. Lilac eyes did a cursory triage over her. Labored breathing, muscles tensed and flexing rhythmically, excruciating pain etched on her face... "Has she taken anything to help the process yet? Do you have herbs in here for the birth?"


As her master, Basilisk may enter her threads unannounced.

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1. A Song of Ice and Fire Dreamer's Col 11:49 AM, 08-10-2024 01:35 PM, 09-20-2024