
A Song of Ice and Fire




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An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

LegendaryPride - DemisexualWordy
08-10-2024, 07:18 PM
God's she was stupid. What made her think she could do this? What made her believe life would find a way? Nothing in all her books had prepared Ignita for this.

She groaned through another contraction as Marina looked through the supplies. She couldn't do this, it was too much! She couldn't do this without crying or screaming. Before the next contraction, she breathed heavily as she listened to Marina's words, nodding as she spoke. She tried her best to chew the plants quickly coughing as a portion nearly went down her windpipe. Stupid, and naive, what made her believe she could be somebody? A consort, a fancy title, who was she to hold such a title?

With a shuddering breath, she realized she could finally start to feel the contractions coming before they hit her. The herbs would still take some time to have an effect but keeping Basilisk close was helping her stay calm and ride the waves of pain. Her hearing became sharper as her breathing steadied, and she heard Marina request Bas to fetch something.

"No! No. Here. Him... here." She cried, grasping and clawing his arm. She didn't want him to leave! She didn't need to be worried though. He didn't move a muscle and she saw through the haze her little adopted bear son grab the supplies for the healer.
"Such a good... boy..." She murmured.

She felt another contraction, finally feeling more prepared for it. She grunted into the pain and pushed, her face contorting as the pressure in her hip increased. She realized what was wrong!

"Hip! Left hip!" She called to Marina, The baby's massive head was stuck in her goddamn hip and not aligned properly. Didn't Bas say he had a twin? God's would they be having twins?

"Basilisk" || "Iggy"

[Image: xjgqzZS.png]
Basilisk may enter her threads without warning.

[Image: bU9k2tE.png]

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1. A Song of Ice and Fire Dreamer's Col 11:49 AM, 08-10-2024 01:35 PM, 09-20-2024