
and the stars will fall from heaven


"The Audacity™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid Queen

Master Navigator (306)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Wordy1KRaiderDream WeaverTeacherStudent
Double MasterSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
08-10-2024, 09:15 PM

The arrival of Pythia just in time for the story didn't go unnoticed by her mother and Modesty inclined her head in thanks to the jackalope that had bought her to them. She didn't give the rabbit companion enough credit, he was good for more than just a soft pillow sometimes, but there wasn't time to thank him just now. She'd find him something special to snack on once they were done here.

Cutlass did a good job of identifying the three stars and following them to the north star. Modesty gave him a nod of approval when he questioned, there?. Wake and Davey didn't seem to be paying attention, but she decided to keep moving, soon the children would be overtired.

"Since all the other stars move around that one, you can use it to find north, and from there, find your way to where you are going... If you know where it is relative to where you are standing. Sakana's map has a line off to the side so you can see which way is north. Perhaps next time we'll get it out and look at how to read a map?" She queried to Cutlass, who seemed to be the only one actively interested in Navigation of the gaggle that had assembled.

Corsair was quick to turn the discussion towards the Gods, and Pythia questioned if she too, could be a star one day. This was really a better discussion for her mother or brother to be having with the children, she supposed. "I have heard it referred to as the star-that-does-not-walk, or Chief star, because it holds its place in the sky and all move around it. It represents stability, leadership, it is a guardian of the other stars, a bit like a pack leader should be, I presume..." There was a hint of humour in her tone, for although she should probably aspire to these qualities, she wasn't certain they were ones that she possessed.

"Why would you aspire to be a star when you could be the one deciding who deserves the honour?" She queried her daughter. If you were going to have lofty ambitions, why not aim even higher than a place among the stars?


-Nav/Intel lesson 3/3-