
In the night, we feel so alive



The Hallows
Expert Physician

Expert Healer (225)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
08-11-2024, 04:53 PM

She listened intently as Eltrys' spoke, her heart aching at the weight of the words he could barely speak. She could sense the pain and reluctance in his voice, the struggle to share something so deeply personal. As he guided her off the beach, she leaned into him for support, grateful for his strength both physically and emotionally. Ellara, although she appeared of strong resolve, was emotionally frail herself.

His revelation about being trained as a priest, a highborn with a once-pampered life, took her by surprise. She hadn't expected such a story from the strong, capable Guardian she had come to know. She was the furthest thing from a highborn, born in the wilds, and she had considered him so similar to herself. The mention of the assassination attempt and the betrayal by those he once considered his own only deepened her admiration for him. He had gone from a pacifist priest, to a castaway, to a pacifist hunter, and now a Guardian. It spoke volumes of what he had went through, and about his strength of character today.

Ellara glanced at him as they walked, even if he did not glance back. She studied the determination etched into his features to remain strong as he spoke about himself, but also the heartbreak that lingered underneath that. She felt incredibly empathetic, knowing too well the feeling of being discarded by what was supposed to be family, and of losing everything you once held dear.

"It's clear you have been through a lot," she said softly, her voice laced with understanding. "And yet, here you are, standing strong and protecting someone who needs it. With everything you have been through, I hope you are also proud of who you have become..." she trailed off, attempting to choose her words carefully.

"I.. know it's not easy to share your past, especially when it has been as rough as yours. But, I am grateful you did. It helps me understand you better.. and.. makes me respect you even more than I already did." She hesitated, nerves getting to her as well and causing her chest to flutter, but she pressed on. "If you ever want to talk more about it, or anything else, I'm here to listen. I trust you, Eltrys... and, you can trust me."

"You know, there is so much more to what makes you you than just your past or your status in a pack. Your past certainly shapes you, but it doesn't define you entirely. There's your kindness, your bravery.. and I'm sure there is a lot more that I don't know yet." She glanced at him, hoping to lighten the mood a little with a small smile. "For instance, what is your favorite food? Or do you have a hidden talent that no one knows about, like maybe you're double jointed or something?" She smiled again, her tone warm and inviting in an attempt to shift the conversation from heavy memories of the past to something lighter, something that might bring a smile to his face; Ellara really wanted to make him smile. Ellara hoped her words would offer some comfort, that he would see she wasn't just interested in his strength as a Guardian, but also in the man he was underneath the armor.


Ellara has two Barred Owls, Halia and Eos, that can be assumed to be with her at all times.