
A Calling

Res, Bunni


08-11-2024, 05:40 PM

Graive felt Raumr's gaze upon her, his curiosity evident as he introduced himself and Taiga. The warmth in his voice, paired with the playful flick of his tail, made her feel surprisingly welcomed. Yet, it was Taiga's reaction that intrigued her the most. The larger lioness, though imposing, had a certain vulnerability in her eyes that resonated deeply with Graive. She could sense the weight of loneliness in Taiga, a reflection of her own melancholy. With the way Taiga looked at her, there was something unspoken that let her know she understood this, as well.

As Raumr spoke of fate and introductions, Graive dipped her head respectfully to them. "It is a pleasure to meet both of you," she said, her voice soft yet steady. The idea of forming a temporary pride intrigued her - safety in numbers, after all - but it was the mention of hunting that truly sparked her interest.

Graive's heart stirred when Taiga offered to hunt for them. It was a simple gesture, but one that resonated deeply within her. Having grown up in a world where hunger was a constant companion, the thought of someone willing to provide for her was both foreign and profoundly moving. She was used to scraping by, to hunting alone or going without when the prey was too swift or too scarce. Taiga's words touched a place in her that had long been guarded; a place that longed for the comfort of a reliable companion, a protector, even if only for the night...

Her pale blue eyes softened as she regarded Taiga, a quiet gratitude shimmering within them. "You are.. most generous," Graive said, her voice almost a whisper, laced with true appreciation. "The thought of sharing a meal, or feasting without fear, is more than I could have hoped for."

As she spoke, her gaze drifted momentarily back to the ancient runestones surrounding them. The symbols carved into the granite seemed to shimmer in the moonlight, their mysterious meanings just out of reach. Graive couldn't help but feel that fate had guided her to this place, to this very moment. The runes were unreadable, yet they spoke to her in a language of destiny, as if this meeting with Raumr and Taiga had been written in stone long before any of them had arrived. The circle of stones felt like a sacred space where the paths of strangers could intertwine, if only for a fleeting time.

For a moment, she allowed herself to feel the warmth of this temporary pride, to imagine what it might be like to belong, if only briefly, to something larger than herself. The offer of a hunt was not just an opportunity to eat; it was a gift of connection, of kinship - a chance to experience a fleeting moment of what she had always been denied.

"Let us hunt boar together," Graive continued, her resolve strengthening around the two of them. "I would be honored to follow your lead." She stepped closer, ready to join them in the chance, her heart racing not just from the thrill of the hunt but from unexpected kindness.

[ 3/3 Explored a new land (The Runestones) ]
