
I remember who I am



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
08-12-2024, 06:06 PM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2024, 10:08 AM by Daenerys. Edited 4 times in total.)

Daenerys Draco, first of my name

in the night she walked, her hips moving with a soft sway as she trotted fluidly. her body glowed brightly in the dark scenery as she came past shrubs and hills to find a dimpled plain with soft grass. a camp then as she decided to pause & rest for the night. sniffing, she began to familiarize with the herbs while she picked loose twigs in her mouth. after some moments when she felt like it was enough to support a flame, the red goddess picked a spot and sat as she tended to her creation. a made pile of sticks as she then reached over with two paws to grab Flintstones. she slam them together a few times before they casted out sparks of orange, landing and soon becoming aflame on the wood she gathered previously.

a set fire going, she would slowly encircle it with stones before coming to lay on her belly. she placed her head on her arms as she layed with her hind legs sprawled beneath her. heaving a sigh, she murmured to herself, "I miss being around wolves." her companion caught it as they unraveled from the plush fur of her nape. "Did I just hear nonsense?," they flickered their tongue once as they came to glance over Daenerys's shoulder. "What? It's true Isis. Don't be so solemn." Daenerys's silvery pools peered to her right where the snake coiled from, slinking over her neck. "Let's get some sleep. We can be solemn tomorrow.." she chuckled, winning her companion's smile finally.

coming to lay her head back down onto her dainty arms, the crimson wolf began to drift into a peaceful slumber.

Daenerys talks/Isis talksThink
Art by Ashon/Made for Alo by Skelle !
[Image: 7a9eprj.gif]

Daenerys is a rated m character.