High Noon
Festival Meeting/Ceremony
08-12-2024, 09:29 PM
As the festival had continued over the morning, Corbie had watched the sun with one corner of her attention even as she mingled with the pack to make sure that everyone would be fed, given drinks, taken care of, enjoying themselves to the best of her ability to help them do so. Now, though, she saw the sun had reached its peak for the day, and she carefully made her way to the sun-filled side of the barn near the fire pit, now only barely showing flame in deference to the day's warmth. She howled first to gather those who'd wandered from the barn or not come in that morning and to catch the attention of those who were there, and waited for them to gather for a quick meeting before the festivities would continue.
unless otherwise stated, Corbie's kinkajou companion is with her at all times