
What we've done




Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
08-13-2024, 05:31 AM

As Saga spoke Bellamy’s gaze softened. A sigh fell from the old woman’s lips and she shook her head. “No one is blaming you for what happened, Saga, nor so I expect you to continue it.” Her paw reached out and lay over her daughter’s own. “It is regrettable what happened to Gilgamesh, but you defended your sister on our own land. He had trespassed, went for her while her back was turned. We could not know what he planned on that moment and you defended your sister. I meant what I said that if you hadn't been so quick to act I'd have been the one to draw blood.” Her gaze fell.

“There isn't an easy answer for any of this. All I can ask you to do is to keep our family together. It is not your mess to clean up and, as you have pointed out, the Raiders will now only be satisfied when they have your sister. I can hardly ask that of Haydee… not when it is my failed example that lead her to make the decisions she made.” Another sigh. “As the founder of Ethne, it was my job to lead by example. How can the pack be anything but reactive if it follows me? If I stay here, particularly in a position of power, what will change?” Her sad gazw lifted to her daughter.

“Gilgamesh made it clear it is your sister who must face judgment… I attempted to offer myself up more than once, but they will have no other in this. Any continuance is on their end.” She furrowed her brow. “As far as the coalition goes… just try to keep the pack moving in a neutral stance forward. We keep to ourselves. While we can hope we don't become a target, at this point I don't know what any of the other packs think of us.” Her gaze fell once more.

“...and if you must… disband us. If the burden feels to heavy, there are enough neutral packs we could seek out that our members could find homes once more...” She drew back. “...and maybe… maybe that is what the pack really needs to be free of this weight of wrong…” It certainly felt like there was no way forward. If they were only going to be scorned for the actions of two wolves, maybe it was best to try for new beginnings.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.