
The first time I saw her at the honey stall I knew she was a keeper

Raider's seasonal market (festival)


Raiders Hollow
The Modyguard

Master Fighter (291)

Expert Intellectual (185)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

1 Year
Extra large
08-13-2024, 05:33 PM

Why his mother had left the organising to him was anyone's guess, it wasn't like Kenway was exactly renowned for his reliability, but she seemed to be doing more of that lately, delegating responsibilities to her offspring, as if it were some sort of test to see if they could stand on their own four paws without her...

He'd be a liar if he didn't admit it troubled him.

Watching his girls drag sacks and stacks into place, Sakana's monkey and Corsair staking out ropes to hold the little awnings in place, he didn't miss the way his girls were eyeing the livestock traders who had travelled all the way down on his mother's invitation. He'd put the word out as best he could, and hoped others would come to trade their wares as well, there were plenty of sheltered spots for them to set up to sell their stock. It was a more central alternative to travelling all the way to the North, but it wasn't a permanent set up by any means. They only meant to hold it once a season.

On the eastern side of the wall that marked the livestock grazing range for the Moor, almost on the banks of Wolfpaw Lake, the little tent city was almost completed. The sun was beginning to sink in the sky, and he made his way towards the bonfire by the food stalls. He supposed now was as good a time as any to get the fire going and signal the start of trading. He'd soaked the wood in some of his signature moonshine, so it went up with a violent whomp and the boy chuckled, grateful to have spared his brows in the process.

Now that was over with, he would continue to mill and meander about, an extra set of paws and jaws to jump in should they be required. He signaled to his girls to get his barrel ready, he'd have a better range of view with just a bit more height.
