
Make An Ass Out Of You

seasonal fighting x Nikolaos Dunamis

Nikolaos Dunamis


Beginner Intellectual (10)

Intermediate Fighter (30)

2 Years
08-14-2024, 11:29 PM
Nikolaos' paws struggled to remain steady as he moved through the sand. Sinking in with every step, every step proved to have resistance. While he was perfectly capable of moving through the difficult terrain he did not enjoy it. His years as a Dunamis child had trained him for such difficulties. He had hoped with the arrival to the new land he would be somewhat free of the Dunamis reins, that he would be able to live his own life away from all this ridiculously self imposed hardship. Now he was wandering the desert with his older sister who seemed to be monitoring his every step.

As she gave her authoritative instruction he frowned in annoyance at her voice. It was irritating and grating at his ears. He always found it very annoying that she felt she had the authority to order him around. He didnt care if she was supposed to be the matriarch, she was still a female. He growled at her in his irritation but he still did as she asked. He sped up to keep pace with her.

As his sister slowed pace his annoyance grew. The cheek that she had to tell him to speed up but then she herself slowed down? Of course he was nowhere near observant enough to notice what was happening in the distance. His focus was one his irritating sister and the troublesome sand. He did stop when she signalled though.

It was only when she spoke that he moved his gaze from his sorry paws to the creature in the distance. He stared at it for a few moments, studying it in its fury. It was moving with quite a speed towards them and he wondered what could have possibly happened to upset such a large creature. His head cocked in curiosity as he studied it, his staring continued for probably a little bit too long.

He had seemed to ignore his sister's question, so absorbed he was in his focus. In fact the creature was now worryingly close when he finally responded to Enyo. "I wonder what could have happened to upset the creature so?" he wondered out loud. He was not at all worried about the possible danger the creature posed. After all they were Dunamis, there was nothing for them to fear from a prey animal.

Soon enough though the creature was upon them. It's anger was palatable in the air and it did not seem to be in the mood to discuss it. It reared, it's dinner-plate sized hooves kicking outwards. Nicoloas dodged, hopefully missing the kick. He method was not one to go on the attack, he would wait for the creature to tire itself out before he launched his own attack.

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1. Make An Ass Out Of You Barren Dunes 04:01 PM, 08-14-2024 04:51 AM, 08-18-2024