
all these voices in my head




Advanced Fighter (60)

Intermediate Navigator (40)

3 Years
Large species
08-15-2024, 04:56 AM

He pushes the coyotes back, his ears pressing forward as Uruk bellows. Ah, yes, the coyotes were certainly doomed. With the scatter of dirt sprayed toward the vicious canines, they scatter, giving him a moment to attack. Swiveling on his front hooves, he lifts up his back end and kicks outward with force. One coyote too close catches the hoof to its head and drops to the ground. The remaining figures of the pack begin to back away only to be met with Uruk on one side. They would not live to see another day.

Letting his partner in crime finish the last couple, Xurek walks forward toward the doe. He examines the riverbed that spreads out from the shallow waters nearby. Some of the rocks are large and heavy while others are small, almost gravel like. This valley has been here for some time now, that much was true. The water smells refreshing and he wishes to take a dip, but it would need to wait. His hooves make no motion to be silent as he nears the frightened deer. Moving the stone she was trapped beneath easily with his muzzle and tusks, he is quick to step backward to give her room.

"Find your herd quickly or suffer," he warns the deer who mumbles a quiet thank you to him before racing off. With the threat quelled and the territory scoped out, Xurek turns to Uruk with almost a deflated annoyance. "Must there be predators everywhere we go?" Xurek questions, his ears flicking backward as his green eyes scan the valley once more. Perhaps it was time to head back...

Xurek Namorn
table coding by bunni ♥

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1. all these voices in my head Emerald Valley 07:44 PM, 08-14-2024 01:27 AM, 08-20-2024