
all these voices in my head




Advanced Fighter (60)

Intermediate Navigator (40)

3 Years
Large species
08-14-2024, 07:44 PM

They continue to move further west from the large willow grove to newer land. While the willows with their swaying branches brought promise, there were many more places for them to discover first. They had time to build, to explore, to make permanent decisions.

Xurek dips his head from beneath the last willow branch to see the land give way before them. Sloping down into a valley, he stops at the edge to peer into its depth. At the bottom, another waterway provides ample opportunity for deer and antelope to feel safe. Except today would not be one of those days. Toward the north end of the small river, a pack of coyotes slither through the grass appearing ravenous. His eyes travel down the length of the river to see what they were stalking with such malicious intent.

A doe with her hoof stuck in the river rocks bleated out in agony. The fear in her eyes is obvious as Xurek continues to scan the territory. "I cannot allow those heathens to harm the deer," Xurek states plainly to Uruk whether the stallion agreed with him or not. His hooves are next to be in motion as he tramples his way through the plush grass and soft dirt. No path was needed as he barreled down the valley's slope toward the doe to intervene with fate. At the sight of him, the coyotes pause, hesitant to take on such a beast, but hunger is clearly too much for a few of them.

Two coyotes burst forward, intent to zoom through his legs toward the doe. Xurek is quick to meet one with one of his hooves. The canine goes sailing through the air into the water with a splash as the second one latches onto his standing leg.

Xurek Namorn
table coding by bunni ♥

1/3 explore new land - emerald valley
1/3 fight large predator - coyote pack


08-14-2024, 08:12 PM

The shadowed stallion followed Xurek, his powerful legs carrying him easily through the last of the willows and into the open valley. The sight before him was a stark contrast to the enclosed grove they had just left. The Emerald Valley stretched out wide, its lush green grasses swaying gently in the breeze, a river winding lazily through the center like a glistening ribbon. It was a place of life, abundant and vibrant, with the promise of sustenance for both prey and predator alike.

As Xurek charged ahead, Uruk's gaze followed the movement of the coyotes stalking the stranded doe. The sight stirred something deep within him - a mix of disdain for the scavengers and a sense of opportunity. This valley could be another vital piece in their plans, but only if they could secure it from those who would threaten their claim.. such as these very coyotes.

With a snort, Uruk surged forward, his hooves pounding the earth as he descended the slope with Xurek. The coyotes, despite their hesitation, pressed their attack, driven by hunger. Uruk's eyes narrowed as he saw one latch on to Xurek's leg, and with a bellow of fury, he charged toward the pack.

As one of the coyote's leaped up to attack, Uruk's heavy horn met it mid-air, impaling the creature with a swift, brutal motion. He flung it aside without breaking stide, his focus now on the second coyote clinging to Xurek. With precision, Uruk lowered his head and aimed a powerful blow right at the coyote, catching it off guard and sending it sprawling to the ground.

Sanding beside Xurek, Uruk positioned himself between the remaining coyotes and the terrified doe, his now red horn glinting in the dying sunlight as he challenged the pack with a menacing glare.

[ 1/3 Explore new land (Emerald Valley) ]
[ 1/3 Fought a large opponent (Coyote Pack) ]





Advanced Fighter (60)

Intermediate Navigator (40)

3 Years
Large species
08-15-2024, 04:36 AM

Red stains the grass around him as the doe continues to struggle to free herself. His leg stings from the chomp of the coyote but it is quick to dissipate when Uruk tosses the coyote off to the side. A single snort of recognition is given before Xurek faces the rest of the pack. With three down, there seemed to only be... four? Six? He wasn't always good at counting, plus more could creep from the crevices of the valley at any moment.

Standing tall and proud, Xurek releases a bellowing call into the darkening air. Charging forth, he relishes in the way the ground trembles beneath his weight. Hooves leaving clear imprints as dirt and grass fling up behind him. Meeting the coyotes head on, Xurek is quick to snake his head forward, goring one through the neck and tossing it into the nearby water with not a care in the world. It's dying gurgle drowned out by the loud thud of his hoof to the next coyote as he kicked it as hard as he could.

The coyotes give him a bit of a berth now, allowing him a moment to scan the surroundings. Behind him, the doe lay upon the rocks, her ankle still caught beneath. He's not sure if it's broken, but he doesn't want to think of that now. He sees how the valley widens away from the river, sloping upward toward the neighboring lands. How far did it go? More exploration would have to wait for the searing nip of coyotes at his legs draw him back to the fight.

Xurek Namorn
table coding by bunni ♥


08-15-2024, 04:45 AM

Uruk took a moment to assess the terrain briefly, his ghostly white gaze tracing the valley's contours with a sharpness. The riverbanks were soft, the ground slightly uneven, offering both challenge and opportunity. As Xurek charged into the fray, Uruk's mind calculated his next move. The coyotes, though numerous, were no match for their combined strength.

Spotting a patch of loose earth near the slope leading down to the riverbank, an idea formed. With a burst of speed, Uruk surged forward, directing his momentum toward the coyotes circling Xurek. As he approached, he feigned a direct attack, causing the scavengers to scatter and rethink their focus. At the last second, Uruk veered sharply, hooves striking the unstable ground several feet from the river's edge. The impact sent a cascade of dirt and rocks tumbling down the slope behind him, catching two of the coyotes off guard and sweeping them down into the water.

With a triumphant bellow of his own, Uruk wheeled around, his gaze locking onto the remaining coyotes, daring them to continue the fight.

[ 2/3 Explore new land (Emerald Valley) ]
[ 2/3 Fought a large opponent (Coyote Pack) ]





Advanced Fighter (60)

Intermediate Navigator (40)

3 Years
Large species
08-15-2024, 04:56 AM

He pushes the coyotes back, his ears pressing forward as Uruk bellows. Ah, yes, the coyotes were certainly doomed. With the scatter of dirt sprayed toward the vicious canines, they scatter, giving him a moment to attack. Swiveling on his front hooves, he lifts up his back end and kicks outward with force. One coyote too close catches the hoof to its head and drops to the ground. The remaining figures of the pack begin to back away only to be met with Uruk on one side. They would not live to see another day.

Letting his partner in crime finish the last couple, Xurek walks forward toward the doe. He examines the riverbed that spreads out from the shallow waters nearby. Some of the rocks are large and heavy while others are small, almost gravel like. This valley has been here for some time now, that much was true. The water smells refreshing and he wishes to take a dip, but it would need to wait. His hooves make no motion to be silent as he nears the frightened deer. Moving the stone she was trapped beneath easily with his muzzle and tusks, he is quick to step backward to give her room.

"Find your herd quickly or suffer," he warns the deer who mumbles a quiet thank you to him before racing off. With the threat quelled and the territory scoped out, Xurek turns to Uruk with almost a deflated annoyance. "Must there be predators everywhere we go?" Xurek questions, his ears flicking backward as his green eyes scan the valley once more. Perhaps it was time to head back...

Xurek Namorn
table coding by bunni ♥


08-15-2024, 06:03 AM

His ghostly gaze never left the remaining coyotes as they hesitated, their instincts battling between survival and hunger. With Xurek's powerful kick sending one more to the ground, the last two found themselves cornered between the two massive stallions. Uruk's eyes narrowed, and with a swift, lethal precision, he lunged forward with his head and horn low. That horn struck one coyote in the side, lifting it off the ground and taking it with his impaled horn. As he flicked it off of his horn, the other tried to retreat and dart away, but Uruk had his mother's thoroughbred blood and was surprisingly fast, much faster than the coyote. He ran beside the canine for awhile, his eyes narrowed and his lips curling into a malicious grin. He reveled in the fear of it for a moment before a crushing blow from one of his heavy hooves ended the final threat in an instant.

Breathing heavily, Uruk turned to survey the valley behind him. The lush grasses swayed gently, and the river sparkled in the fading light, unmarred by the brief violence that had just occurred. With the danger past, his focus shifted to the stream Xurek approached. Uruk moved toward it, the cool, clear water inviting him after such a battle.

He lowered his head, taking in the refreshing water, savoring the momentary peace. "Predators will always be a part of the land," he rumbled in response to Xurek's question, his voice calm. "But so will we, and they will learn to fear us soon enough."

[ 3/3 Explore new land (Emerald Valley) ]
[ 3/3 Fought a large opponent (Coyote Pack) ]



Thread Move Log
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1. all these voices in my head Emerald Valley 07:44 PM, 08-14-2024 01:27 AM, 08-20-2024