
Make An Ass Out Of You

seasonal fighting x Nikolaos Dunamis

Nikolaos Dunamis


Beginner Intellectual (10)

Intermediate Fighter (30)

2 Years
08-15-2024, 10:03 AM
Internally Nik cursed his sister's impatience. He hated exerting himself unnecessarily and through her actions she was forcing his hand. After all how would it look if he returned to the golden boy without her? Quite frankly his coming leap to action did not come from any care, love or devotion that would be common amongst siblings. No, it came from the fact that he would look like a fool if her returned without her. Goodness, what if they tried to blame him? No that wouldn't do.

With a burst of speed he whipped around the enormous creature. His own large frame diminished to the point that he looked like a pup. He was on the opposite side of the creature's focused and with a carefully calculated and speedy move he snapped at the creature's hind legs. His action was meant to taunt, not to injure and so all it did was scratch the creature's skin, pulling out a couple of thick hairs.

With a high pitched yelp he jumped back, the noise meant to draw the attention away from his weakened sister. Of course he would still stick to his original plan. A creature so large could not be tackled head on, it had to be played, like a game.

The creature spun around, if possible he was sure that the fury in its eyes would have set him on fire. He chuckled. Holding his ground as it readied itself to charge at him. His own head lowered and his legs spread. He was ready to jump out of the way as it barrelled forwards. He spun around again and nipped at its heel and then he repeated the entire sequence of actions.
Playing the creature until his sister had recovered enough to rejoin the fight.

He was smaller than his siblings and he was sure that because of this he had developed his unique fighting strategy. With every practice spar with his family the odds had always been stacked against him and so he had had to develop a tactic that gave him edge. Normally this would include far more taunts from his side, but with the beast before him that did not seem necessary.

"Sister dear" he said through gritted teeth and between careful quick movements once she seemed to be somewhat recovered. "I do think it may be wise for you to abandon your... Brute-ish ways for the time being" he paused between each word as he maneuvered he did not look at her as he spoke, his focus purely on the creature. "It may be advisable to take a more... Calculated approach. Let us exhaust the creature and then you can mince it in whatever method your heart desires."

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1. Make An Ass Out Of You Barren Dunes 04:01 PM, 08-14-2024 04:51 AM, 08-18-2024