
I remember who I am



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
08-15-2024, 01:53 PM (This post was last modified: 08-22-2024, 03:00 PM by Daenerys. Edited 18 times in total.)

Daenerys Draco, first of my name

she awakes to the sound of a baritone voice that warns her. he's not too close, but he's still too close for her comfort. he's tall and imposing as he looms above her smaller, petite frame. automatically, her hackles rise, unsure of whether he meant her harm or not. his dominant stance was met with her own assertion. Daenerys was supreme in her own right and she made sure to make others aware. not a sheep, not even a wolf. but a dragon.

she's swift and agile, her body coming to quickly create space between them with a stance that ducked, assuming battle. toes splayed, shining forth a red glow as the ethereal goddess puckered her snout to bare pearl white teeth. she was beautiful, even when angry. "Who are you." her brows furrowed, tones too direct to sound like a question; instead, dripping form her lips with the might of a demand. long tufted ears flattened as she sent a cold glare behind her long, ebony lashes. "I want not trouble. Leave me be." ah, but she was seemingly ready for it.

Daenerys's snake coiled around her neck to emerge from the left, offering the male a hiss in warning. for a moment, Daenerys's eyes trace over the face of the brute, finding him to be masculine and dare she say attractive. but Daenerys was not so easily swooned, not when she's rudely roused for such vague cautionary at best. "I can manage myself, I promise." her words were powerful and impactful, seething past her clenched teeth. self sufficient and headstrong, she wasn't going to let anything get past her.

Daenerys talks/Isis talks"Think"
Art by Ashon/Made for Alo by Skelle !
[Image: 7a9eprj.gif]

Daenerys is a rated m character.