
Make An Ass Out Of You

seasonal fighting x Nikolaos Dunamis



Advanced Fighter (60)

Novice Hunter (15)

2 Years
Dire wolf
08-16-2024, 07:27 PM (This post was last modified: 08-16-2024, 07:28 PM by ENYO. Edited 1 time in total.)

Ellara Praetor

Remember her place? Enyo’s eyes blazed with a mixture of anger and incredulity before she gathered herself. Still, she could not believe he spoke to her in such a manner. He will be dealt with accordingly. Now was not the time, the massive woman stared Nikolaos down her sharp silver-blue eye, glowing with an intensity, locked onto Nikolaos with a scathing gaze. Nikolaos of all of them to disrespect her. There would be no words later, only physical correction. To remind her she was a woman, then she would show him just how much woman she was.

With a growl that resonated through the dunes, Enyo lifted her head high, the thick mane around her neck bristling in frustration. Her dense, black-and-white fur seemed to ripple with the force of her displeasure. The contrast between her icy blue and shimmering silver-blue eyes only amplified the intensity of her emotions.

"Do you think your pitiful display is helping our situation, Nikolaos? If you were even half the woman I am you would be far more worthwhile than you are." Her voice was a thunderous rumble, dripping with disdain and superiority. "The donkey knows who to fear, wise it is. You should have listened to me. I am the Matriarch. But of course, you must always insist on making a spectacle of yourself, even in the face of danger. Are you that desperate for validation?"

She watched with a smug look on her face as Nikolaos charged toward the donkey, in the end, he obeyed. Whether he believed it or not. She took a step forward, her powerful limbs moving with deliberate grace, the heavy weight of her presence commanding attention. The maimed bob of her tail swished in irritation, a reminder of the sacrifices she had endured.

She was already calculating their next move, her keen mind working through the turmoil. Her tone was sharp and unforgiving, "I will deal with this creature. Try to focus on making yourself of use for once." Whether he heard her or not was lost upon her, Nikolaos jumped onto the donkey's back forcing her to act.

She made herself as loud and abrasive as possible, forcing the donkey to split its focus on her and her brother. The next time it turned to nip or kick Nikolaos she would launch. The War Goddess made sure to position herself so that the very moment the opportunity showed she would take it.

With a swift motion, Enyo launched toward the giant ass, cutting through the sand with practiced precision. Her powerful jaws opened wide, aiming to clamp down on the creature’s throat with a crushing force. Each movement was deliberate, controlled, and efficient, and proof of her excellence. Finally, the donkey would turn to look at Nik on its back. Attempting to bite. It was trying to buck but her brother was quite heavy so its movements were slower and weighed down.

She launched, and all the tension she had building in her haunches boosted her off the ground with so much force that once she connected it nearly knocked the donkey off its hooves. Her teeth sank into its thick neck, she could taste the coppery blood on her tongue and she relished it. Feeling the donkey's muscle flex and twist as it tried to fight. Enyo would not let go, holding on despite getting kicked in the ribs. Eventually it would weakened, feeling its heart slow more and more until her own thundered so loud that it drowned the donkey's out.

The equine gave one last final jolt before it collapsed under the weight. Enyo, began lapping any blood from the throat. Relishing any form of liquid in this heat.

She would say nothing and began tearing at the flesh and eating her fill. There would be no dragging this back home. She would have to tear a haunch or two off and bring it for the others.




Enyo's companion Foberos, a large peregrine falcon, is to be assumed as with her at all times unless otherwise stated

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