
A Song of Ice and Fire




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Novice Healer (15)

2 Years
08-17-2024, 05:22 PM
The soft clatter of the water-filled bowl at her side caught her attention, and to no one's surprise it was the companion Ignita had adopted that had done her bidding and helped her out. She cast a disparaging leer up at Basilisk who had not moved from his whore's side, making sure to give the creature a pointed "Thank you," to make her point of how useless the Warlord had been. Even Ignita made herself a problem by shouting and refuting Marina's orders, impeding in her work with her theatrics. She rolled her eyes and bit her tongue to keep from growling. Maybe she deserved to die after all. Teach them both a lesson. May karma rain down on him, on her, his pack, and their wretched family... It was the least all of them deserved.

Marina stood by attentive and austere, giving the medicine the time it took to work. Gradually Ignita's labor pains seemed to soothe some, and she began to push. Then that ease turned into panicked pain as the little wolf howled out about her hip. Marina didn't hesitate to move into action, catching Ignita's hind leg with her paw around the thigh and lifting it up to spread her legs and hips as wide as she could. She was going to need as much space as possible to birth these monsters. Peering down at her swollen belly, Marina could just about see where the pup's head was in her hip. Keeping her leg elevated, Marina reached over and applied a gentle pressure to help coax the child back towards the birth canal, but there wasn't much room to move in the diminutive fae's womb. It was like overstuffing a pillow and she was fit to burst.

Rina's brows furrowed as she worked, focused in silent severity. The pup wasn't moving as much as it needed to in order to right itself. Dammit... if it didn't right itself soon, then Basilisk may need to make a choice to save the child or his whore. "The pup is stuck and it doesn't have room to move," Marina explained to Ignita, looking up at her with a steely seriousness in her tone. Another consequence of their reckless size difference breeding. Her bedside manner left something to be desired, but Marina was not here to be nice—she was here to save lives. "You need to push one of them out, Ignita. Grit your teeth, bite the Warlord, whatever gets you through it, but you need one of them out now." The alternative would be for Marina to cut them out of Ignita's belly—and doing so would cost the little golden wolf her life in the process.


As her master, Basilisk may enter her threads unannounced.

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1. A Song of Ice and Fire Dreamer's Col 11:49 AM, 08-10-2024 01:35 PM, 09-20-2024