

mandatory dunamis training



Advanced Fighter (60)

Novice Hunter (15)

2 Years
Dire wolf
08-20-2024, 01:19 PM (This post was last modified: 08-20-2024, 01:20 PM by ENYO. Edited 1 time in total.)

Ellara Praetor

Enyo paced across the stone floor of the cave, her heavy steps echoing through the vast chamber. She had been warned of dangerous predators and to be cautious when venturing too deep into the cave system that housed Insomnia. Though she hated being underground, she would make it work. The cave was one of the larger and cleaner ones throughout the gorge, it provided much-needed space for the Dunamis. Being as large as they were, they all needed to have ample room to achieve what Enyo had in store for them. With her distinctive piebald pelt, heterochromatic hues, and arrogance she seemed almost to embody the very essence of the Dunamis' prestige and power. Her piercing silver-blue and icy-blue eyes flitted over the room, assessing each of her brothers with a critical glare.

As the Dunamis Matriarch, Enyo’s authority should be indisputable, yet her resentment and envy towards her male siblings simmered beneath her polished exterior. For she knew that some of them still saw just a woman. No matter how much she was better than them, she always had to work harder. The males could get away with mediocrity but a Dunamis woman needed to excel to even be acknowledged. Today’s mandatory fighting lesson was not just a demonstration of skill, but a stage for her to assert her dominance and subtly remind them of her superior abilities.

“Gather around, brothers,” Enyo’s voice rang out, deep and imperious. Her tone held an edge that demanded immediate attention. “It’s time for our mandatory training session, and I expect each of you to display the same level of excellence that defines our lineage. As always, the standards are exceptionally high-no less than what is expected of the Dunamis.”

It had been too long, she was eager to see who had kept themselves in shape and who failed to maintain. Either way, everyone would be sore by the end of it.

She turned to face them. The tension in the room was quite obvious, and Enyo relished the control she wielded. Her gaze lingered on her reflection in a nearby polished stone, a brief moment of vanity that she couldn’t resist, before turning back with renewed focus.

“You are all aware of our family’s distinguished history,” she continued, her voice laden with a mix of pride and disdain. “Our name commands respect, and with that respect comes the expectation of unrivaled competence. Each of you is to remember that today’s training is not just about honing your skills, but about proving your worth. Failure is not an option; it is an affront to the Dunamis legacy. Those who are from these lands have yet to understand why they should fear the Dunamis.”

Enyo’s eyes narrowed as she regarded her brothers, her frustration barely contained. The innate sense of superiority she felt, driven by her envy and her belief that her potential had been undermined by her gender, fueled her relentless drive. Despite her facade of control, the sting of Nike's casual remark that she would have been remembered as a great had she been born a son still burned within her.

“Let me be perfectly clear,” she said, her tone growing colder. “Any sign of weakness or incompetence will not be tolerated. I will not coddle you or offer leniency. If you cannot rise to the occasion and demonstrate the prowess expected of the Dunamis, you will have to contend with my displeasure. Or worse, answer to Nike and Father as to why you were deemed ineffective to our mission.”

With a sharp nod, she gestured towards them. Making sure to count heads and take attendance for every one of her brothers should be present. She had a plan to pair them together into sparring duos. Then swap and swap and swap and swap. Eventually, they would finish outside the gorge. Running till they could not run, and only then would she let up.

“Now before we begin, would anyone or Erebros like to add anything? Prepare yourselves,” Enyo commanded. “We begin immediately. Show me that you are deserving of the Dunamis name, and perhaps, you may earn a shred of the respect you seem so desperately to crave.”

As her brothers moved into position, Enyo watched with a critical eye, her own frustrations and ambitions intertwined with her role as their instructor. Her demeanor remained unyielding and authoritative, a facade of perfection masking the complex emotions roiling beneath her surface. She would allow her envy to taint their lesson. Pushing them harder and faster than they had been in quite a while. The lesson would be rigorous, and she would see it through with the same intensity and precision that defined her very essence. It may even be a trial or test of her own, no longer tested by their father... It would be Enyo who weeded out the weak today.



Led fight training, with 3+ other characters 1/3


Enyo's companion Foberos, a large peregrine falcon, is to be assumed as with her at all times unless otherwise stated