

mandatory dunamis training



Expert Fighter (170)

Novice Healer (20)

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Sapiosexual
08-20-2024, 03:01 PM (This post was last modified: 08-20-2024, 04:53 PM by Érebos. Edited 1 time in total.)
he followed Enyo into the gorge, deep down until they found a clear expanse. he moved at her side, his littermate, as they then halted after some minutes. the wolves all gathered near and he slunk off to the right, seating himself near the cave wall as his attentive gaze flickered over the males that came for Enyo's testing. a family tradition it was to weed out the weaker ones in the group to then target them for the rest of the season before they were due a rematch with the family warlord. Enyo was relentless, and perhaps too enthusiastic about it all(as she usually was). he knew why that might've been, but he doesn't speak on it; rather, he found it fitting for todays practice. she'd hit them harder because she could. and he was all here for it-, the dunamis had to be worked like this for the battles and enemies they'd trample over later.
his ears swiveled as the matriarch spoke, delivering a lecture and warning to them all. he's silent for a moment after, his gaze now critical and hardened as he read them all before adding in, "Give it your best shot boys. Enyo will not take it easy. Remember, never underestimate the opponent." his booming voice rang over the crowd, authoritive and stern as his brows furrowed. a growl following his words in result to the tension that created itself between them all. their aromas burning his nose at the smell of adrenaline them seemingly rose by the second. the primal urges to break into a frenzy made his muscles twitch as his hackles rose,- his body remembering father's harsh tests. Érebos somehow expected worse from his daughter.
the dominant patriarch itched for conflict, itched for a reason to purge his wraith. his inky nostrils flaring like a mad bull as his tail rose with the thickening of his ego. he asserted himself over each & every one of them before his demand spun aloud. "Nikolaos." his daemonic depth was spine shivering, his eyes shooting forth an unwavering glare that choked the male addressed. "You will be first for your indecency at the insomniac borders. you represented me and you looked like a fool." he glanced at the singled out male, his face empty of consideration and emotion. he then looked at Enyo before tossing his head towards Nik, gesturing she approach. "Harm him." he gave the offset, demanding action against Nikolaos for stepping out of line previously. even the slightest disregard would be met with a swift match of pain. as cold if not more than his father, Érebos enjoyed what was to come before meeting his sister in battle after them all.

"Talking" - "Thinking"

table by scarlet
Warning: Mature themes for this character are frequent.
[Image: h1wr1OO.png]