




Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
08-28-2024, 12:00 PM
The peel of laughter and the wider grin that he earned with his comments made his tail wag excitedly behind him again, feeling a bit like a pup getting praise for something he did well. Her reactions were their own kind of reward and he could quickly see how he could be addicted to doing things that made her look at him like that. He grinned proudly and was about to lift his head when she stopped him with her delicate paws on either side of his face. Her turquoise gaze took on an even more sultry, seductive look, reeling his full, captivated attention back into her once again. It felt like it was effortless for her to have him hanging on her every word as she insisted that he had been missing out. The lick she left along the underside of his jaw sent a shiver up his spine and it took all of his self control to make sure he didn't look absolutely dumbfounded by the surprise affection.

If he wasn't already ready to scoop this tiny wolf off of her paws and cary her away, he most certainly was the moment she told him to do just that so that he could find out how delicious she was. If it wasn't for her lips finding his he probably would have looked at her with his mouth hanging open like an idiot, but luckily she kissed him instead and gave him a focus for the intense spike of lust that she had sparked in his belly. A low, rumbling sound of desire escaped him as he returned her kiss, pressing back into her lips and letting his large paw come up to the back of her head to hold her gently and keep her from pulling away as he savored the feeling of her lips on his for a lingering moment. His instincts and desires completely took over and overrode his uncertainty and inexperience, his tongue finding hers as he began to make out with her for a few moments until he finally broke away gently with a soft gasp.

A wide grin pulled across his lips and his sapphire gaze blinked open to find hers again as he chuckled, his paw shifting down from the back of her head to her waist as he finally answered her question, saying, "I can't imagine doing anything else right now, little lady." His strong foreleg slipped around her waist and he quite literally scooped her up, pulling her up onto his back and settling her there among his mane before he went off back the way he came to his den. "Hold on tight, beautiful." If he wasn't so single minded and driven by this ravenous desire that she had lit on fire like a match to kindling then he probably would have thought twice about bringing a stranger into pack territory unannounced, but his den was near the border by the falls anyway so he wouldn't be taking her far and he could hardly wait to get her into his bed. Their meeting had escalated far quicker than he could have ever imagined, but he had held himself back for so, so long and June offered him up everything he had been wanting on a silver platter. It was impossible for him not to take it as soon as she gave him the green light to do so.

He brought her to his modest den that was just inside Obscura's territory and quickly ducked inside, lowering himself to his belly on the large spread of furs so that she could slip off onto the bed. There was very little in the space beyond the bed itself and his armor that was laying on the floor near the entrance. It was pretty obvious that he hadn't been living in this space long and it was very much set up for utilitarian function rather than looks. A bachelor pad if there ever was one. Once she was laying on the bed with him he shifted and rolled onto his side to face her, his foreleg reaching out to wrap around her lower back once again and pulling her close till their chests were pressed together with a sly grin. He realized suddenly how fast his heart was beating–from excitement or nervousness he didn't know, but he hoped it didn't give him away too badly. "How's that for carrying you away?" he joked with a chuckle, bringing his muzzle to hers again and giving the end of her muzzle a teasing lick.

"Arcturus Indarra"