The tiniest toddler of the bunch was already batting at her brother's black and gold heels as they heard the call. She started to head in Wilder's direction and leap over Balrog to get there first but when he nearly tripped over his larger paws, she actually tripped over herself. She tumbled into a forward roll, but got up, shook her white and blue pelt off, and continued onward at breakneck speed. He got there a breath before her!
"I'mheretoo! You're green! You got moss on your back? What we doin? We going into caves?" Her bright voice was mashed together in all the questions. And her paws fidgeted and danced and she placed her front paws on Bal for a moment then stepped off, then tried to catch his tail, then tried to squeeze herself between his front legs to help herself be still. The girl needed weights on her legs or something.