
Can we be friends?



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Novice Navigator (20)

Dire wolf
08-25-2024, 06:45 PM

Magdalene didn't quite understand why her mother was so eager to travel away from the pack lands, but she wasn't about to argue either. A fun exploration trip with her mom? How could she turn that down! Excited and eager to find out where they were going, the young pup practically shoved her mother along to get to their destination faster.

When they approached the opening of the Col to the market, Mags could only gasp in awe. The wide cave entrance blocked by guards was met with wide eyes and a slack jaw. They were so cool looking covered in all that armor! She wanted to approach with questions, but was quickly shooed inside by her mother. Stumbling over her paws, Mags found herself in continued awe as they made their way down the tunnel into a wide open room lined with stalls and vendors. The noise was loud, but manageable, nothing she couldn't handle.

At the agreement that she could wander alone as long as she made it back here in a few hours, Mags was off before she could verbally agree. Skirting around adult paws and hollering vendors, Mags was sure to find something to stick her nose into. Distracted by the moody lighting and various wares shining under its glow, she barely saw the other boy headed her way. Distracted by a sweet smelling candy, Mags barrels right into the bear-pawed boy with an 'oof' before tumbling backward onto her rump.

Giving her head a shake, she looks up at the midnight navy and charcoal boy with curious eyes. "Who're you?" She asks, forgetting to even apologize or stand up from her tumble.


Desponia & other family members are welcome to enter her threads until she is 2 years old.
Magdalene's antlers will not be fully grown until she is 1 year old. They will shed yearly similar to a normal deer.
Her most colorful markings are imbued with bioluminescence that glow brighter the wetter her fur is.
Expect her companions to be nearby, but not always within sight.