
An Unexpected Welcome


"All my troubles on the burning pile, All lit up and I start to smile."


Master Fighter (355)

Master Hunter (285)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Hawk-Eyed Hawk-Eyed

1 Year
Extra large

Double MasterScarredSnake EyesRapid Poster - Gold
08-25-2024, 10:15 PM

At Lukina's mention of being on her best behavior, Redrum’s lips curled into a wide, cheshire grin. “Good—behavior—makes things easier,” he muttered in his typical halting cadence, approving yet still cautious.

The familiar, calming tone of Enki’s voice eased the tension in Redrum’s posture, though his golden eyes retained their sharp intensity as they met the Wraith’s bright blue gaze. “Enki—no injuries—on Redrum,” he replied, carefully choosing each word. “Lukina—bear attack—Redrum helped—bear is gone.” His words were more clipped than usual, almost mechanical, but the concern was clear in the way his gaze lingered on the injured female. Even in silence, his attention remained divided between her well-being and Enki’s next move, waiting to see how the situation would unfold.

When Lukina spoke of her injury and intentions, Redrum’s gaze sharpened. He dipped his head, stepping slightly forward in support of her words. “Lukina—was brave. Didn’t run. Stood ground.” he added, backing her account with his own perspective. Pride laced his voice, though it was buried under his usual predatory tone. “She’s strong—could be asset—if allowed.” He made his stance clear. Speaking this much was uncommon for him, but he felt it was important enough to warrant it.

His tail swished low behind him, reflecting a mix of anticipation and protectiveness. He glanced at Enki, ears twitching forward as he waited for the Wraith’s response. Redrum rarely vouched for others, but Lukina had earned his respect, and he wanted to ensure Enki recognized that. She seemed like good people, to the young brute.

As Lukina introduced herself to Enki, Redrum’s muscles twitched slightly as he fought to stay still. His golden eyes darted between Lukina and Enki, gauging their reactions. A subtle twitch in his jaw hinted at his underlying nervousness—he had brought someone to the border, and now it was up to Enki to decide what would happen next.

Redrum’s head tilted slightly, watching Enki’s reactions, especially when the older male called for a healer. There was something reassuring in how swiftly Enki took charge of the situation, and Redrum found comfort knowing Lukina would be tended to. He gave a short nod of approval when Enki invited her over the border, his tail giving a single low wag in acknowledgment.


Redrum speaks in third person, known as illeism.
He deals with neurological issues from head trauma,
Causing disruptions in speech and movement,
Making him appear twitchy, with uncontrollable tics affecting every muscle.

Assume he isn't wearing his skull mask unless specified.