The first time I saw her at the honey stall I knew she was a keeper
Raider's seasonal market (festival)
08-26-2024, 08:29 PM
Corbie, laden with a packed travois and with Tam laden with another - though Ren as their caravan guard was only lightly burdened - regarded the Raider's farmer's market with a neutral air. She'd debated whether or not to come, given the way she'd parted from Modesty the last time they'd spoken, but when it came down to it she was a trader, and she couldn't pass up the opportunity to trade Avalon's goods. Besides, enough time had passed without further issue that she judged the matter settled well enough. She watched quietly for a moment as the bonfire was lit - it seemed that they'd made it just in time - before she led the border collie and caucasian shepherd dog to a little area. Ayer hopped down from her shoulders to begin setting up a stall for them while Corbie began unpacking their wares - mead, cider, cysers, wines, wool blankets, clay pots, and a variety of other things.
unless otherwise stated, Corbie's kinkajou companion is with her at all times