




Intermediate Fighter (55)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Extra small

Pride - Bisexual
08-29-2024, 05:53 PM

Teasing and playing with Arcturus was becoming a game all in itself to Juniper. He was such a good sport and a sharp student for her silly little lessons on how to be seductive and sexy, she couldn't help but want to play along with him and reward him for his effort. Those surprised expressions on his face whenever she said something he really liked or teased him with little affections made June's heart race with excitement, the thrill of anticipation of what she knew they were working towards riling her up. When her lips slowly claimed his in a heated kiss, Juniper felt and tasted Arcturus' murrs of desire, feeling his body beginning to melt under her ministrations—and then he was suddenly taking charge, one giant paw coming up to grab her by the back of her head and crush his mouth to hers. Juniper made a soft sound of surprised delight in reply, her body tensing briefly but quickly relaxing against his touch as she kissed him deeply and passionately back. Mint green eyes slowly disappeared behind fluttering eyelids as she caressed Arc's cheeks with her tiny paws, tasting his tongue in her maw as they made out for a few long moments, making the petite fae moan softly into the dire brute's mouth.

Then just as quickly as their passion had started, Arcturus was pulling back, leaving both wolves gasping for breath with a single silver strand of saliva bridging their muzzles. Green eyes blinked open to find the rich blue of his sapphires, meeting his grin with a sultry one of her own. Arc suddenly scooped her up by her waist, making June yip in surprise as she was tossed up onto the massive brute's back, riding him like a stallion while he carried her off to where she assumed his den was. Juniper giggled and grinned, tiny paws weaving her digits into his thick mane as he raced over the snowy ground, carrying her off to ravage her and use her to slake all his pent up lusts—and June couldn't wait! It wasn't a far trek from where they'd been, but interestingly enough Arc did carry her over a border into pack lands to get her to his den. Juniper raised a curious brow, shooting Arcturus a wily grin as she realized he was breaking all sorts of rules just to get laid. She was quite proud of him for thinking with his cock right now!

Once into pack lands, Arcturus carried Juniper into his den, a spacious and modestly furnished place that screamed "bachelor pad" to her. But that worked just fine for little miss Juniper Dawn. All she needed was a comfy bed and a few hours and she'd have Arc panting and spent before the day was done. Arc carried her directly over to his expansive bed of furs and laid down on his belly, giving June the perfect means to slide down off of him and onto the bed. She deliberately didn't try to catch herself, letting her slide right from Arc's back onto her own back on the bed. The furs he'd chosen were soft and plush, and definitely good for fucking in. Arcturus turned to her as they settled in together on his bed, pulling her small slender body closer to his until her chest and belly were pressing to his, playing around with her and asking how he'd done for carrying her away. "Y'know, I can't say I've ever had anyone literally sweep me off my paws before," she teased him back, giggling as he licked the end of her snout before returning his slow lick over his lips and nose. "That was pretty hot, Goldie. I like the way you manhandle me."

Fixing Arc with a seductive grin and heavy lidded bedroom eyes, June slowly slid her paws across his broad, wide chest, feeling up every taut muscle she could reach. He was quite the athletic build; slim around the midsection but stocky, his body tapering like an athlete. He looked so damn cute with his fluffy mane around his head and neck, and those saber fangs were just begging to nibble at her skin! A lusty chill made Juniper's body quiver against Arc's. Wordlessly, June slowly lifted her muzzle back up to meet his again, pressing a slow, savoring kiss to the golden brute's lips. When she pulled her mouth from his a few seconds later, June batted those heavy lidded eyes up at him again and whispered against his mouth, "Wanna find out what a fae tastes like now, Arcturus...?"

"Juniper of the Sea"