
Watch out there!

Fight seasonal/Sea


The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (140)

Intermediate Hunter (40)

2 Years
Dire wolf
08-31-2024, 03:38 PM
His distraction was effective. Perhaps too much so. As he dove at the bull and kicked off its side with a move he considered rather impressive, he heard the thunder of its hooves come to a stop. With a grunt, he saw the bull had changed course entirely. Turning, coming back around. Its focus was set on him now, and time was short until it caught up to him. He came to a stop, letting it charge. Facing down the threat before him without flinching and showing how fluid a wolf could be on his paws. He waited until the very last moment, and dove to the side when it reached him, and its momentum kept it going another few feet as he tore down the side of it. As he had anticipated, it was going too quickly to stop. He needed to use its bulky size against it. It could not change direction on a whim.

As he moved down the side of it, he struck. Letting his teeth score deep cuts along its flank. Just as he scored that hit, and drew blood from the crazed bovine, he felt the vibration of something else colluding with its other side. The red wolf? Her attack clearly hurt it more, did greater damage. No surprise with those wicked horns adorning her crown. With that strike, its attention turned back to her. Giving Flare a breather as he licked blood from his lips and took in the battle. So far he’d gained no injuries, but it had been close a couple times. If he was wiser, he would have cut his losses while he was ahead. No loss to him if he left the red wolf as bait to buy him time to leave.

He let out a surprised huff at her words, almost as if they were on the same wavelength for entirely different reasons. Another was putting their faith in him of all wolves? He had set people up to fail for far less, and for far less reward. He watched, almost lazily as the bull turned to her. The bait, the easy prey. How tempting it was to let her fall, to see that moment of shock on her face when she realised he wasn’t coming for her, that there was no one to rescue her…

But another part of him hated to see beauty destroyed, and she was a beautiful creature. With elegant devil-like horns, and flames of red that licked across her body. A wolf that in the heat of battle decided to trust him. Foolish creature.

But perhaps even more foolish was Flare’s response, as he dove across the space between them. Hitting the charging bovine across the neck, shoving its charge to the side with his momentum. He had almost left it too late, and he could feel the brush of her fur as he and bull dove past her. He bit harder into its neck as he let its momentum carry them both. Tearing skin and sinew. Trying to gain enough balance to pull it down. He already torn open its neck, and every step and struggle pushed blood from the wound faster. Was it enough to bring it down?

WC: 541
TOTAL 1253


[Image: gESpex3.png]