
Watch out there!

Fight seasonal/Sea



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
08-22-2024, 03:54 PM

Daenerys Draco, first of my name

it's in the night that Dany finds herself awake- restless & without a home another night longer. meeting the other brute before was something she worried about. was it all that dangerous like he said? her best bet was to follow him perhaps but she may of strayed too far now.

below the knolls, she laid still. unsuspecting as she tried to drift to sleep. that was until she heard the flaring nose of a buffalo grow near. damn her glowing- it must've angered and attracted the cow! she sighed, annoyed for moment as she assessed the scene behind her. no one there.. hmm. she swiveled her ears until it was too late! a charging, angry buffalo came towards her far left.

she quickly got to her paws and began a game plan before making a move. with the buffalo still some distance from her, she shot to the right, aiming to circle back around to better meet the challenger. damn she needed some help right now.


Daenerys talks/Isis talks"Think"
Art by Ashon/Made for Alo by Skelle !
[Image: 7a9eprj.gif]

Daenerys is a rated m character.


The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (140)

Intermediate Hunter (40)

2 Years
Dire wolf
08-22-2024, 04:12 PM
Flare had left to hunt. To sate the restlessness in his paws that came with commitment and settling down. Neither of which were aspects that fit his personality well. But he understood the strength in numbers, through the slow progress of working his way up the ranks rankled on the impatient fire-marked wolf.

With a fox at his side, and the Goshawk in the air, he let his paws take him some distance from the pack before he started his hunt. Slowing to catch the scents around him. He caught the scent of buffalo, and knew a herd roamed these knolls. He slowed even further, sending his bird ahead to scout the area. The fox remained at his heels, obedient and loyal.

He wasn’t interested in the buffalo. Its meat would be too big to bring home, and travelling in a herd was inconvenient. He had no intention of mixing with a large group of over-sized grass eaters. He was searching for something else, something more fitting for his mood when the sound of a scuffle caught his attention. He moved closer, and gave a soft laugh when he found the red wolf and her predicament. He considered leaning back and watching the show. And the red horned wolf looked as if she would put on quite a show, as well. But he had come here to hunt…

He let out a put out sigh and rolled his shoulders before stepping forward. He whistled to catch the wolf’s attention, and charged into the side of the Buffalo. It was a damn heavy beast, and he shifted his weight at the last moment. Throwing his forepaws against its side and kicking off. Both to drive it off course from the wolf it was attempting to stampede, and to use the momentum gained kicking off its side to turn him around and shoot away again.

WC: 315
Total: 482


[Image: gESpex3.png]



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
08-24-2024, 09:18 AM (This post was last modified: 08-24-2024, 09:19 AM by Daenerys. Edited 1 time in total.)

Daenerys Draco, first of my name

as if something higher heard her prayers- someone showed up at just the right time. a male aflame, charging and whistling at the buffalo in a brave effort to distract it. and it works! she gasped, watching the wolf go towards the angry bovine with might that sets the cow off course and towards the other.

flattened tufted ears as she watched them engage and she follows suit quickly, galloping fast to catch up as she tucks her chin, approaching to from behind to strike the mad bull with direction and surprise. her horn, once aligned, would then pierce through the animal's right flank. a bellow was given as the animal cried in pain, sending a kick just after Dany halts, in time to avoid those waving thicker hind hooves.

but it doesn't seem to stop the bull, if anything, making it more angry! she steadies her breathing, using all her might to focus her power as the bull turned straight for her again. charging once more, she glanced at the other and shouted, "let him come for me, and at the right moment, interject him!" she hoped the wolf would come for the neck and right across Dany from their angle. this had to work.. and she put herself as bait. on the line as she trusted another to help her furthermore. brave and stupid, she didn't care. she wasn't going down.

WC: 233
TOTAL: 712

Daenerys talks/Isis talks"Think"
Art by Ashon/Made for Alo by Skelle !
[Image: 7a9eprj.gif]

Daenerys is a rated m character.


The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (140)

Intermediate Hunter (40)

2 Years
Dire wolf
08-31-2024, 03:38 PM
His distraction was effective. Perhaps too much so. As he dove at the bull and kicked off its side with a move he considered rather impressive, he heard the thunder of its hooves come to a stop. With a grunt, he saw the bull had changed course entirely. Turning, coming back around. Its focus was set on him now, and time was short until it caught up to him. He came to a stop, letting it charge. Facing down the threat before him without flinching and showing how fluid a wolf could be on his paws. He waited until the very last moment, and dove to the side when it reached him, and its momentum kept it going another few feet as he tore down the side of it. As he had anticipated, it was going too quickly to stop. He needed to use its bulky size against it. It could not change direction on a whim.

As he moved down the side of it, he struck. Letting his teeth score deep cuts along its flank. Just as he scored that hit, and drew blood from the crazed bovine, he felt the vibration of something else colluding with its other side. The red wolf? Her attack clearly hurt it more, did greater damage. No surprise with those wicked horns adorning her crown. With that strike, its attention turned back to her. Giving Flare a breather as he licked blood from his lips and took in the battle. So far he’d gained no injuries, but it had been close a couple times. If he was wiser, he would have cut his losses while he was ahead. No loss to him if he left the red wolf as bait to buy him time to leave.

He let out a surprised huff at her words, almost as if they were on the same wavelength for entirely different reasons. Another was putting their faith in him of all wolves? He had set people up to fail for far less, and for far less reward. He watched, almost lazily as the bull turned to her. The bait, the easy prey. How tempting it was to let her fall, to see that moment of shock on her face when she realised he wasn’t coming for her, that there was no one to rescue her…

But another part of him hated to see beauty destroyed, and she was a beautiful creature. With elegant devil-like horns, and flames of red that licked across her body. A wolf that in the heat of battle decided to trust him. Foolish creature.

But perhaps even more foolish was Flare’s response, as he dove across the space between them. Hitting the charging bovine across the neck, shoving its charge to the side with his momentum. He had almost left it too late, and he could feel the brush of her fur as he and bull dove past her. He bit harder into its neck as he let its momentum carry them both. Tearing skin and sinew. Trying to gain enough balance to pull it down. He already torn open its neck, and every step and struggle pushed blood from the wound faster. Was it enough to bring it down?

WC: 541
TOTAL 1253


[Image: gESpex3.png]



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
09-01-2024, 12:47 AM (This post was last modified: 09-01-2024, 12:47 AM by Daenerys. Edited 1 time in total.)

Daenerys Draco, first of my name

what a fercious battle! they worked together in perfect harmony, tag teaming and joining in their energies to reach the achieved moment together. full of vitality and strength as each wolf showcased their capabilities well. a thrill it was to fight alongside them and win. knowing nothing about this stranger, she felt at ease to call then something of a friend later had they been open to it. but she was quick to dismantle any romanticizing of the situation or her helpful company- knowing that only a level head was useful.

she was flushed and pressed as the male came at just the right time, because for a millisecond, she feared he would not aid her at such a critical moment. bait- it was bravery and foolishness, but she made the sacrifice without second thought. her quality of character amiable. quickly then, his body was like a fast fiery blur that casted before her, brushing against her reddened fur to leave his scent on her chest- stirring up mild curiosity as she watched him with an unwavering gaze, hopeful that the bull was done for. and after some anticipating pants, it was. Sublime!.

"Thank you. You were amazing." she breathlessly said, her effeminate voice dripping like honey on the air. poised, accented and different. her compliment was genuine as she stood there, unmoving as she watched him above the bull that passed. "What can I do to repay you?" Dany was eager to offer her own unsolicited assistance in whatever way they needed. alas, if she was rejected to do such, their time would end here. won and safe, it didn't matter.

Daenerys talks/Isis talks"Think"
Art by Ashon/Made for Alo by Skelle !
[Image: 7a9eprj.gif]

Daenerys is a rated m character.


The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (140)

Intermediate Hunter (40)

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-01-2024, 01:12 AM
The bovine’s strength waned as he tore the gaping wound open further, until at last it collapsed at his paws. He took a weary step backwards, feeling exhaustion seep through as the adrenaline began to drain from his system. The woman spoke, reminding him of her presence.

He glanced over to the red-sparked woman with a slightly raised brow. How did wolves walk through the world with such innocence? Her offer was so open, so sincere. So easy to abuse. Yes. She did owe him. He had never intended to put himself at risk for another. A reward softened the blow a little. He raised himself up to his full height and looked her over carefully. More freely able to now that the threat was gone. Yes, she was his type. “How far would you go to repay a debt?” He mused, voice light and curious.


[Image: gESpex3.png]



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
09-01-2024, 01:33 AM (This post was last modified: 09-01-2024, 01:37 AM by Daenerys. Edited 1 time in total.)

Daenerys Draco, first of my name

how odd it was to stare back into his pools of silvery wealth. cold and matching her own eye color as she stared through her thick ebony lashes, peering at him with something that glinted in the voids of her pupils: repressed for now and secret from him. she might of been easy to read, or maybe too naive to say what she did. nonetheless, she wouldn't see the harm of it yet had this been a mistake later. she didn't perceive anything strange about them either- and when he spoke to her for the first time, her large tufted ears rose to catch every syllable. he was new and it drew her in.

in such a night, her under eye markings emitted a vibrant crimson glow, as did her back and claws. she noticed their own mutations now,- their teeth. Both large and dangerous as she let her eyes wonder over their handsome features. a fine male with abilities she seen in the works. live and upfront, everything out in the open between them suddenly. was something on the line here? 'How far would you go to repay a debt?' she looked at them, a thoughtful expression on her beautiful face. her single ear flickering as she pondered for a few seconds before speaking again. "You saved my life. Name your desire." she justified, her slender maw closing as her teeth clicked lightly. the ambient sound of the night cradling their quiet conversation. all seemed to settle into a poised interaction. was it wrong to not be guarded?

Daenerys talks/Isis talks"Think"
Art by Ashon/Made for Alo by Skelle !
[Image: 7a9eprj.gif]

Daenerys is a rated m character.


The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (140)

Intermediate Hunter (40)

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-12-2024, 08:31 PM
The entirety of Flare's attention was on the red toned wolf now. His gaze shifted across her strange, luminescent glow. He caught the subtle flick of pattern beneath her eyes, and the curve of her great horns. As elegant as the curve of a bared throat. Tall, but not too tall. With the sleekness to her form natural to the female body.

Name your desire. Such dangerous, foolish words. He approached her. Moving slow and steady, a hunter stalking his prey. “And if my price was to have you in any way I desired for a night?” He whispered, moving into her personal space. He leaned his maw close to her throat. “If my desire was to keep you, for as long as I wanted? What would you say then, a wolf who promises so easily?” He whispered, moving to touch his teeth to her throat, if she did not move to avoid him.


[Image: gESpex3.png]



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
09-14-2024, 05:17 PM

Daenerys Draco, first of my name

the turn of events she did not see coming-, had she made a mistake? her ears flattened as she watched him come near, feeling a sense of fleeting uncertainty. his demeanor was thick, suffocating and oppressive. harsh upon her polished, light aura. a vampire in the night he was. Dany slowly began to become aware of what he was implying.. a virgin though, she was uncomfortable with the idea- however, her paws for some reason did not move as he waltzed closer to her body. "I..." she bit her lip in contemplation, a small expression of the big feelings inside. she was in a sense dumbfounded, not sure why she had attracted this stranger in such a way. she looked him over, as if looking for an excuse to let him in. he was handsome but he ultimately had the wrong impression to consider her a fling of sorts.

"I don't toy with the idea of one night stands." she protested, her eyes blinking slowly at him as she allowed him to come even closer. enough to smell her sweet perfume as she lifted her head slightly. his teeth then grazed her plush red fur with tender gentility, & with it provoked a sense of hesitancy mixed with arousal. she gasped then, feeling a sense of warmth flush over body. she liked it, but she feared it. could he tell she had never been touched? a ripe apple just waiting to get bitten into.

Daenerys talks/Isis talks"Think"
Art by Ashon/Made for Alo by Skelle !
[Image: 7a9eprj.gif]

Daenerys is a rated m character.


The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (140)

Intermediate Hunter (40)

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-15-2024, 10:52 PM
She didn’t toy with one night stands’ He grinned, though the expression was lost in the position of his maw. His teeth grazed her skin, lightly nipping at the vulnerable point of her throat. How adorable. Did she think she could keep him? He let his teeth slide across her fur before releasing his hold. He lifted his head, looming above the smaller wolf. The light of her horns reflected in the silver pools of his eyes as he considered the exotic and unusual look of the wolf he had stumbled upon. Her innocence added to her allure. Clueless, but not timid. There was no fear in her as she boldly claimed a need for something more substantial.

He could see it all unfold so clearly before him. His experience and strength could overwhelm her with shocking ease. He could take what he wished, when he wished. Or he could play her game, tease and taunt her. Lead her astray with promises he would never fulfil.

He raised a paw, tapping her lightly beneath her chin. Encouraging her head to lift, and tilt so he could look into those deep silver pits. He’d never met another wolf with eyes like his. “How many nights would satisfy?” he purred, voice light and teasing as he weighed his options. To take, or to trick.


[Image: gESpex3.png]



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
Today, 12:49 AM (This post was last modified: Today, 12:52 AM by Daenerys. Edited 2 times in total.)

Daenerys Draco, first of my name

she was new adult; two & month old. Dany had much to learn about the wolves in boreas. in a night where she is seemingly saved, here stood her hero asking for something she never offered in the first place. she pondered then was it right to be selfish and say no.. and as much as she tried to deny the feeling it gave her, she would succumb to the way they made her look up. her beautiful silvery pools imbued with innocence and newness, moving as they looked into his eyes. he was tall, attractive.. and captivating. yet something about him seemed sinister.

he raked her neck with teeth so sharp that she feared one wrong jagged move would cut her like glass. she gulped, her breath quickening. "I-I.." she didn't expect his response. not about this. "I haven't ever done it.." she whispered her confession, eyes batting her long red lashes. she was truthful and bare under their hotter gaze. it was as if he could eat her whole. "All my nights." a brave and foolish whim, she knew it. it was as if this man put her under a trance.

Daenerys talks/Isis talks"Think"
Art by Ashon/Made for Alo by Skelle !
[Image: 7a9eprj.gif]

Daenerys is a rated m character.