
Get out!

Seasonal, Selene



Advanced Fighter (90)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

Paleo species
09-05-2024, 09:44 PM (This post was last modified: 09-06-2024, 02:31 AM by Citadel. Edited 3 times in total.)
Citadel had found an old abandoned den not too far into wildberry grove. He had spent some spare time in the evening cleaning it out, since it seemed like they’d be spending at least a few days in the Hallows. He threw away some mouldy bedding and brushed it out. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do with it. He wasn’t sure what he would be allowed to do with it. Maybe he could build it into a secret play den, or a place to stash all the amazing food he’d find. He just had to collect some food first.

It was getting late, and he knew they would be called in for bed time soon. But there was just one more thing he wanted to do before he called it quits for the day. He snuck into the wagon and grabbed some coats from the bottom, underneath piles of other stuff. Hopefully they wouldn’t be missed… or if they were, someone would assume they were simply needed. He chucked one over Rook to carry, and then awkwardly bundled them up and tried not to trip over them as he carried them back to his secret little hideaway den.

Just as he was about to enter the den, a noise caught his attention. What was that? He peeked his nose through the door and almost lost it when an angry cat swiped at him suddenly. He dropped the bedding in shock and leaped back. “Hey, that’s my cave, get out!” he ordered with a snarl.

WC: 261

"Citadel Fatalis"

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1. Get out! Dreamer's Col 09:44 PM, 09-05-2024 02:30 AM, 09-06-2024