
I'm a believer, nothing could be worse

Azriel, Alaric, Oath, Petra, Vayne



Advanced Fighter (85)

Novice Intellectual (20)

1 Year
Dire wolf
09-07-2024, 02:24 PM

Oath paced through the dry, sweltering air of southern Boreas, the heat sticking to his fur like a heavy blanket. His magenta pelt was sleek with sweat, and the darker markings on his limbs seemed to absorb the heat more, causing him to curse the sun under his breath. The transition from Auster to Boreas was a stark contrast to the cool serenity of their old lands and Oath found himself longing for the soft breezes and shaded woods of home. Yet, despite the discomfort, he pressed on toward the ring of stones.

His sister's song echoed through the air, and it reached him like a guiding melody, soft and hopeful. Atreyu was calling them together, to the circle where their future would be decided. Oath smirked, his crimson horns catching a glimmer of fading sunlight as he trotted faster, eager to see what she had planned. He admired Atreyu's bravery, trying to build something out of the ashes of their legacy. Judila had been their parents' dream, but now it was Atreyu's. He believed in Judila, in their Gods, and most of all, in his sister.

When he reached the ring of stones, Oath caught sight of her seated by the northern stone, her posture regal despite the exhaustion from the heat. Bigs lay nearby, panting heavily, and even atreyu looked like she was suffering under the weight of the oppressive air, yet she smiled. That smile made Oath grin in return, a softer, more genuine expression than his usual teasing charm.

He sauntered into the circle, his gait confident as always. "Atreyu," he greeted warmly, his voice melodic and almost playful. "You look like you are ready to conquer the world, even in this dreadful heat. I can see it in your eyes."

Oath sat opposite of her, curling his tail around his paws, his cyan eyes studying her. "So, you're serious about this, huh? You want us to follow you and rebuild Judila... here, in Boreas?"

He paused, watching her reaction closely before continuing, "You know I've always got your back, but this place is different. You're different. We all are. What kind of Judila do you want to build? One like our parents'... or something else?" He tilted his head slightly, his tone gentle but probing. "Because if we're going to do this, sis, I need to know- are you ready to wear that crown?" He knew she was.. but he wanted to hear her say it aloud.


Oath Morningstar