
Wishful Sinking



War Chief

Master Fighter (250)

Expert Intellectual (195)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years
Large species
Dragon Mod

Rapid Poster - BronzeCritical Observation!1KOverachieverSamhain 2022
09-07-2024, 10:17 PM

She nodded when he said he'd have to remember what he'd need for the dyes, "When you do, let me know! I'm happy to help!"She was sure there was someone or some way to get what they'd need. She was determined to help and ensure that this Festival of Colors would happen. It could very well be the thing they needed to boost morale and whatnot within the dying pack. Speaking of which, after she had said what she had been feeling, she sighed and looked at the ground, though she heard his rumble. Her ear flicked in gratitude of his understanding, and part of her wished it could be different, but alas, she knew now that she wasn't ready. Perhaps it had all been an impulsive decision from the start, but all she had cared about at the time was taking the burden off of her sister, especially when everything looked like it was crashing down on her small sisters shoulders.

"A dragon sleeping is still a dragon." She steadily looked at him as she nodded, turning the words over in her head. He was right. The Raiders had proven already when Gilgamesh had so blatantly marched into their lands and for some reason expected no repercussions, that they weren't the type to let sleeping dogs lie. She was surprised, actually, that they hadn't all come marching back into their lands to start a bigger issue than there already was, but at the same time, she was glad they hadn't. She didn't want to have to resort to more violence, but she would if she had to in an effort to protect her family. Hell, even Corbie had not been successful in trying to remedy the situation. But not everything could be fixed with words. Or not even with violence. Maybe with time...or maybe it would never be fixed. Maybe it didn't matter anymore. She had opted to not think about it or even bother with it, but there was always that lingering thought that they would return. They wanted Haydee. Something that Saga obviously wasn't going to give them.

“Saga, it is not a failure to know your limits, and change directions before you reach beyond them. In fact, it is commendable and a mark of great maturity." Those words surprised her. For weeks, she struggled with the thought that she would be failing her family and the pack if she stepped down or simply just...disappeared and abandoned them. The latter, however, would never be an option for her. She would've been greatly ashamed of herself, especially after all her family had done for her after finding her in the Northern Wilds. To leave them like that and in a potential state of disarray...suffice to say, she couldn't even imagine doing that.

Then he leaned in, asking her to tell him clearly what she wanted. She pursed her lips as the words were on the tip of her tongue. No shame in it...? Was that really true? She took a deep breath to try and steady herself. She sure hoped there wouldn't be any shame in this..."I...I want to ask you if...if you'd be willing to lead the wolves here." She swallowed as she looked at him, "They trust you. I trust you. You have good judgment, and I'm sure the pack would be better off for it. I've tried, but I'm just...not cut out for it. Not yet. Maybe when I'm older and wiser, but I think the pack would be better off in your paws." There. She said it. And her heart hammered in her chest like the loudest drum she had ever heard. "You don't have to if you don't want to, of course..." She waited then, with bated breath to hear what he thought.
