
I'm a believer, nothing could be worse

Azriel, Alaric, Oath, Petra, Vayne



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-08-2024, 06:55 AM
The large demigod had never truly been far. So the call from Atreyu reached him easily. Though he had told Atreyu he would be in earshot just wanted to stay in the shade. The man was panting, fur too thick for the summer weather, he did not appreciate the heat. If anything it was making him irritable. Gods above he wanted to rip out his fur with frustration over how hot the weather was.

The call reached him easily and he rolled to his feet and took a moment to shake his fur and flatten out what needed it. He came from Atreyu's backside, his form stalking close to her and eyes glancing at those here. Did she intend that note for him in a way that meant she was telling her brother now? Would Oath approve? Would they all think him capable of holding the position of her equal?

Questions sat in his mind and he did his best to silence his mind for now and enjoy the moment. He came to Atreyu's side a stretch as he laid beside her, trying not to touch her because cuddling in this heat was a good way to end up with him more than just overheating. His breath was pants as he looked to those that gathered here now. Peirced ears pricked and quills laying flat on his nap and back. Her personal bodyguard and demigod. A peirced brow rose as the words of the second male reached his ears. It sounded as though the second was seeing this as a favor for Atreyu by joining them then trying to build up Atreyu with the second bit.

He had no words except a select few but he let his mismatched eyes stay on the second male for a moment more. He would answer when Atreyu asked though. His body was poised to act if need be though.

"Azriel" || "Atreyu"
code by bird, art by asena

Azriel can be a mature and volatile character, please proceed with caution. His threads can contain triggers and mature content please be aware of this when threading with him.