

seasonal fighting x Erebros



Expert Fighter (170)

Novice Healer (20)

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Sapiosexual
09-09-2024, 07:34 PM

É R E B O S .

auster became a bad memory like his ex wife had. withered in cold, lifeless and bare. they had set out on a mission to expand insomnia, but with night rolling in the siblings went back to their temporary densite. a nice spot with vines about but the coldness of auster was a stark contrast from medusa's lair. even so, he kept his discomfort tucked quietly underneath his controlled exterior. his demeanor was a tight one; a strangling force not matter where he went. it drained and sucked the life out of everything & everyone. it was as if the world he walked on shuddered before him. and for his large sibling, it would prove to be the same. her energy majestic yet somehow dangerous. Enyo was the dragon of their family. a spitfire who wielded with controlled wrath. the calamity waiting to doom their enemies all.

she calls out to him them with a warning laced in the way she spoke his birth name. as they come up to approach, his ears erected while the scent hit his nose. a jaguar. his eyes narrow, finding the scent to be familiar as he fixated on it with all his senses. finding the cat finally in the silhouette, he locks in as he made out the feline's bodily outline. attempting to hide after ruining their camp.. tsk, tsk, tsk. now that wasn't very smart; considering the cat had a good nose and smelt two large wolves prior to their invasion. yes.. a deliberate act of stupidity. it could only heed swift correction from the dunamis siblings.

he says nothing to his littermate, coming to slowly prowl past her as he assumed lead. driving his body slowly around the vine until he had clear passage towards the cat who thought it remained camouflaged. creeping ever so slowly, Érebos finally did create enough closeness before he'd suddenly spring into action. his large body plunging from behind the vine curtains that hid the cat as his strong forearms came reaching out to successfully grasp the jaguar's head. a fool to rely on hiding to keep them safe, Érebos held down the cat as it flailed aggressively, swatting at Érebos who seemingly consumed their attacks with fortified weight & might. his maw rippled out a serious snarl as he kept them down, holding them as he awaited his dire wolf sibling to attack their stomach.

Made for Alo by Skelle !
Warning: Mature themes for this character are frequent.
[Image: h1wr1OO.png]

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