
I'm a believer, nothing could be worse

Azriel, Alaric, Oath, Petra, Vayne



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Healer (140)

1 Year
Dire wolf

WordyOoh La LaRapid Poster - Silver
09-10-2024, 12:20 PM
Atreyu did not have to wait very long, it seemed as though they all stayed relatively close to the meeting place she had picked out. It was time for them all to get together, to make a new home in this foreign land, Atreyu could not do it alone. She would need each of them if this was going to work, if they were going to make any kind of a mark on this wicked world. That would be their shared goal, to rid the world of those who fed on the misery of others. In the process they would heal and rehabilitate those who were only sick, some things could be fixed if their healers could find the right balance of herbs and medicines. Holographic eyes flit to the first bit of motion she sees, the figure turning out to be familiar and therefore welcomed into the ring of stones.

Atreyu smiled wider as her magenta brother entered the circle, her eyes assessing him to ensure he was unscathed by his travels. It was the healer in her, she really couldn’t help it. His greeting brought a small laugh from her and she nodded, "I am ready to conquer the world, especially since you’re here!" Watching as he sat on the southern side of the stone circle, Atreyu’s black ears perked up and she once again nodded to him. "We are really doing this, but not how mom and dad would have, or any of them for that matter." She didn’t want to give away her plans until they were all listening to her. More movement caught her eye and she let her holographic gaze wander to the form of Alaric. "Excuse me, brother." She said smiling at him before going to greet her mentor and friend.

"Alaric! Yes, this is it, for now." She smiled and waved her tail, looking him over as well as Maul and Cinder. They all seemed fine, like the last time she had seen them. His pledge was accepted with a dip of her head, and she put her paw on his shoulder as a signal of acceptance. This time when Alaric spoke again, some rare encouraging words came from his dark maw and she waved her spotted tail. "Thank you." She knew that with his help, too, she could truly do what she wanted to do in this world. Peace could be attainable if they could all work together. She only hoped they could all get along, she knew some of them could be gruff and rough. One ear turned back as Alaric moved to sit down in the circle, his dogs sitting on either side of him as they watched with a protective stare around them.

Her ear twitched back at the sound of the demigod’s approach, her shadow coming to lay beside her and trying his best not to touch her in this heat. He was never far away from her and she was coming to understand he had truly meant that sentiment. She had many reasons for calling them all together, and their continued betrothal was one of those reasons. She would be telling them all today that she planned to raise their kingdom with Azriel at her side, their future was secure. Holographic eyes turn to black and blue as she moves to bump her forehead to his and smile. Though he said nothing, she understood he was there for her and would always be. "Alaric is a friend, try to be nice." She said, though she kept it quiet so that no one else would hear her. "And I’m letting the cat out of the bag about us today." She smirked at him before pulling away and looking over everyone present so far.

Again, movement behind the stones caught her eyes and the familiar scarred, spotted pelt of her sister came into view. Atreyu was happy she could make it and offered a reassuring smile to her, as Petra looked ready to fall apart from anxiety. Atreyu could tell by the way her eye darted around to everyone. Nodding in acknowledgement, Atreyu watched with a somewhat saddened expression as Petra simply sat down and looked around. That would have to be worked on, though Atreyu couldn’t blame her. She would not be nearly as confident in herself if she sported all those scars, but they were no less beautiful in their own right. Scars meant you lived, you survived, you became stronger.

Vayne must have been the farthest away, but it mattered not what order they came, only that they were here now under the same sky. "Greetings, Vayne, I’m glad you made it!" She had begun to worry he would not show, but that was only self-consciousness talking and she knew it was only that. Watching with a smile as he nudged their brother and sister, Atreyu took a moment to take it all in.

Taking this moment to watch as her siblings interacted once more and Alaric and Azriel watched over everyone, Atreyu sat thinking about how to ask them to follow her. Though all eyes were on her right now, she stood tall and smiled despite her own nervousness. Anxiety prickled at her throat, but she cleared it and straightened herself before speaking to the group as a whole. First things first, she would need to introduce the stranger in their midst. She knew her siblings would not readily accept a new comer without her vouching for him, and she would do just that. "First, everyone, this is Alaric Warmaw. He’s been helping me learn to fight and is a very dear friend of mine. Please give him a warm welcome." With that out of the way, Atreyu turned her attention to the real matter at hand.

Looking at all of them, she gave a sigh and then a sad smile. "A lot has changed, but there are some things that stay the same. Mother and Father named me heir before their passing, and Azriel as my betrothed, I intend to keep it that way. I hope you can see the strength of Judila in us. Judila must not fizzle out, and we intend to make it stronger than it ever was." Pausing to see what their reactions would be, Atreyu then asked the biggest question of her life thus far. "Are you with us?"

"Atreyu" || "Azriel"
code by bird, art by asena

Atreyu can be rated M for mature, not always, but expect it to pop up.
Her companion, Bigs, is assumed to be with her unless otherwise mentioned.
As her betrothed, Azriel is allowed in any of her threads, regardless of tag or label.