
I came, I saw, I conquered.



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Navigator (10)

1 Year
Large species
09-10-2024, 12:33 PM (This post was last modified: 09-10-2024, 12:36 PM by Cygnus. Edited 1 time in total.)
Horse aside, this place had so much to experience. His senses were alight with movement, with sound and smell and color. It was hard to focus completely on the beast before him, nose twitching and little nub of a tail twitching behind him in interest. Sifting through the various scents would take some time, though he was well-prepared to spend a better part of the day perusing the vegetation here and seeing what might prove useful. Cygnus was glad his exploring seemed to be finally paying off - hopefully, at least.

The feline trained on the horse's white eyes, his brow furrowing slightly. The way he puffed up his fur just a bit and protruded his chest said it all - I ain't afraid of no horse, though his eyes trained for a long moment on those dangerous-looking hooves.

"What lies beneath them, eh?" The lynx mused aloud, considering. He knew of such things, at least the basics, but not more than that. "Awfully pretty way of lookin' at things, if I don't say," he goaded lightly. Cygnus wasn't sure about all that, but then again he wasn't exactly what anyone would consider a poetic sort. Flowers were flowers; some helped and some hurt.

He sorta understood how the big equine fellow might feel some sorta way about it though. It was hard to not feel at least a little awed by the beauty of this place, but it wasn't quite enough to distract Cygnus from the task at hand. The lush vegetation stretched all around, the buzzing of insects inviting him to begin exploring.

He instinctively twisted around, facing Uruk properly as he moved closer. Clearly cautious, though he made no effort to move away nor flee quite yet. "I'm after whatever seems most useful. Wasn't quite able to bring my herbs along with me so I'm starting over from scratch," he admitted. Maybe his first task ought to be finding some sort of storage device for whatever he might collect, but he was even less certain where he'd start with that project...

"Name's Cygnus, by the way." Being called little cat didn't quite sit well with him, but he supposed in comparison he was quite small. That fact was enough to keep his temper from flaring. His bobbed tail gave another little wiggle as he sized up the man. "You're looking for poisons - you trying to kill someone, then?"

table coding by bunni ♥