
I'm a believer, nothing could be worse

Azriel, Alaric, Oath, Petra, Vayne



Master Fighter (305)

Beginner Hunter (0)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

4 Years
09-11-2024, 07:55 PM
Alaric would wait as the others gathered, one by one, til the entire group was formed in the land. His orange gaze would shift from each one to the other. They looked similar to Atreyu pelt wise, so they must be related to some sense. He was quiet for the most part not being a fan of groups in particular. He listened carefully to Atreyu as she began, immediately telling the others to give him a warm welcome. Alaric would feel their eyes on him, making him a bit uncomfortable yet he refused to show it. He simply nodded his head towards them all. "Hello." He said briefly, clearing his throat. How he did hate navigating through social events. He kept a cool, collected, facade. He was listening to Atreyu, taking in what she said. Betrothed? He cocked an eyebrow; he would have to give her hell over this. Playfully, in his own way of course. When Atreyu asked if he was with her, he took a moment to pause. His mind was screaming at him no, not to do this. Yet, something fought against this. Atreyu was offering something bigger than his hatred of this world, his apathy, and his tendency to wallow in both. She was offering him a purpose. Something So, he swallowed the screaming in the back of his mind and nodded his head towards her. "I am with you. As well as Maul and Cinder." He spoke. Whatever uncomfortableness would come, he would face it. He would try. He would give his best effort not to fuck this up. Maul and Cinder looked to Atreyu, nodding their heads and thumping their tails against the ground. Maul leaned over and gave Alaric a small lick on the cheek of reassurance, to which Alaric gave a quick, brief, smile before it faded back to his usual resting face.