
First things first




Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-12-2024, 11:21 AM
The alabaster male introduced himself but gave nothing more than a name, perhaps he had no titles or past to speak of that he was proud of. Azriel took note of that and filed that away for memory for later. He could definitely foresee giving the male something to be proud of, that was part of what his job was in his mind. And if he was as good at fighting as Atreyu seemed to believe then Azriel would have to ensure the male made general and worked closely with him to keep their soldiers fighting ready.

His next words started well which received a nod. The betrothal had not been either's idea until they had found each other again, no it was their mother's but he didn't mind it so much now. He was experienced enough to know what he liked and if he really thought about it every woman he enjoyed in the past had been in some way or form like Atreyu. Guess he had a type, happy and bubbly. Could make a man smile if he thought too hard on it. But the threat that dropped had his eyes narrowing. "I assure you, if any try to harm her, or any Morningstar for that matter, that they have to get through me and I would sooner die than harm my queen and the royal family myself." His voice dropped to dangerous levels. This male had no idea what he was willing to do to ensure the safety of Atreyu. He would kill a man before they hurt her.

He straightened back up when the male asked for information on Judalia, clearing his throat. So Atreyu hadn't told him much then. He would amend that then. "Judalia has been traditionally a peaceful pack, rooted in providing sanctuary and healing to those that need it. Though I seek to change a few things such as the fact that their military had been lacking when we were being raised there. I believe Atreyu has a wish to try to rid the world of evils, which I seek to further by providing her the military for. As for faith, you will find we are polytheistic with a belief in a few major gods." He stopped there to let that sink in. He wanted to gauge the male's reaction and see how he took that bit. It could determine how to proceed further with him, though he wouldn't preach the gods like Oath would, he wasn't about to try to force his religion on the male either. "We are more than aware not all will share our views either, but we do ask for respect for our ways. Just as we would respect any religion or belief you have." he had to make sure the male knew that he wasn't about to shove his beliefs on someone and tell them to believe or get out. He'd be small minded and unfit for the role Atreyu wanted him to play if he did so.

"Atreyu" || "Azriel"
code by bird, art by asena

Azriel can be a mature and volatile character, please proceed with caution. His threads can contain triggers and mature content please be aware of this when threading with him.