
Where It May Lead

Border patrol



Beginner Intellectual (10)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

2 Years
Dragon Mod

09-12-2024, 01:10 PM

He was enjoying the silence of the pre-dawn morning, the crickets chirping slowly lulling into quietness as dawn approached slowly, but steadily. The day ahead promised to be warm what with the change of the season over the lands. Glancing up at the still darkened sky that the sun had not dared to touch just yet. He could see the stars twinkling bright above the lands. It was peaceful, and he would prefer it no other way. Though of course, the peace wouldn't last forever, as Enyo appeared on the horizon. She approached him, and his attention turned to her as she greeted him and asked if she could join him. "Wasn't expecting anyone else to be up so early. But yes, you are welcome to join me. I figured I'd get a head start on an early morning patrol and see what these lands have to offer before the chaos of the day comes around. Two birds, one stone." He mused. Of course, he didn't miss her sharp, assessing gaze. One he returned with impassiveness, of course. She might have been bigger and older than him, but he was smarter. More cunning. But he wouldn't let that show. Keep them always guessing.

He motioned for her to follow as he continued on his path near the border, noting a herd of slumbering deer scattered in the distance. Perhaps a hunt is in order for the hunters... He thought to himself, his gaze further sweeping the land. He noted every well-worn footpath he saw. The grasses that looked like they were beginning to wilt. No doubt from the intense heat that had recently begun to bear down on them. The trees that were scattered around, though sparse. Which meant shade here would be hard to come by without some competition, so it was likely the majority of the pack would be sheltering from it within the Gorge. And then his attention was diverted back to Enyo as she mused about the Plain they were in. "I imagine so. Summer's only just begun and already it feels unbearable," He grimaced. He hoped it was just a fluke and that it would only last for a few days. But just in case, they would need to prepare, he was sure.

His sister would suddenly come to a stop, and he walked a few paces before he realized it. Turning to find her smirking a bit, his brow cocked up in question. "Hm? What did you have in mind?" It was...strange, to see her like this. Usually she was all business. Was she about to turn this into a training exercise as well?
