
An Oath of loyalty



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-13-2024, 04:26 AM

I am the righteous hand of God

The demigod padded into the shrine's area and as he predicted, there was Oath. His ears swiveled back and he lowered onto his haunches just outside the circle as Oath spoke his name in greeting. He had come with his guard up. The hurt of Oath's most recent words at their meeting fresh enough he wasn't sure how to even approach the holy man in front of him. His quills were lifted and his eyes stayed on Oath. He'd expected a lot, threats, anger, or even Oath wishing to be left alone for now. The calm he was displaying though? That was enough to unsettle most men.

"We've known we were betrothed since right before Judalia fell.... Neither of us liked the idea then, she was one of my closest friends and I hers, so I didn't expect her to even consider it an option if she ever saw me again..... Our mothers chose it for us, and I do not wish to dishonor Queen Chevelle nor my mother." he let the words sink in. there was no point in lying to Oath, he needed the whole truth. If they would ever mend this rift the truth was needed. Az was loathe to lose his best friend. "She found me at the end of last season... We came to the mutual decision we want to try this, she as her reasons and mine are simple. Our mother's memories can be honored if I continue to be betrothed to Atreyu, as well as it keeps her safe from other less.... desirable men. This also will secure the future of Judalia for everyone." He stood and moved closer to Oath, he didn't see a reason the male didn't need to possibly hate him for the bomb he was delivering.

He pinned his ears and narrowed his eyes. If Oath thought the demigod would give in and back off their friendship or the agreement between him and Atreyu he would be sorely disappointed. "No I won't pretend, nor will I let my best friend walk away right now. Nothing changes either, being your brother-in-law will make me no different than just the best friend who also happens to be your guard. And until vows are spoken and a marriage finalized Atreyu has every right to walk away and I have made that clear to her. But what of you Oath?" There were a lot of tensions in the air between them right now. Azriel wouldn't raise a paw against Oath, but that didn't mean he would just let Oath walk all over him either. There were other questions that needed asked though and Azriel was about to be blunt and make the other male think hard.

"Are the words you said before because you think me really that bad of an option for Atreyu? Am I that undesirable and unfavorable in your eyes? Or is it something else? Was it jealousy, or the thought you would lose me as your friend? Or did you hope for something more than friendship with me? Answer me honestly, and take your time with it." He stepped into Oath's space now. Those deep rumbles quieted but loud enough only Oath would hear them. His eyes never left Oath's. Oath needed honesty and Azriel was brutal with it all. He lashed his tail as he opened the floor for Oath to think though and answer him.

Walk, "Talk", Think

And I am the devil that you forgot

Art and code by Asena; lines by Srynix

Azriel can be a mature and volatile character, please proceed with caution. His threads can contain triggers and mature content please be aware of this when threading with him.