
First things first




Master Fighter (305)

Beginner Hunter (0)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

4 Years
09-13-2024, 04:55 PM
Alaric listened to Azriel as he responded him. Azriel wanted to know if his skill set and ambition. Alaric had never thought of ambitions. He saw anyone in any seat of power to be corrupt, power hungry, abusive, because that's all he'd ever witnessed. He never thought to see himself in those seats of power. Until now. His gaze shifted to meet Azriel's as he spoke. "I would have to say I have some ambition but not enough for a throne for myself. Yet, enough to be more than a simple foot soldier." He has already played that role and got out alive, barely. The Freeman's Guild was a criminal guild turned foot soldier for war, they were expected to die in order to have their crimes pardoned. Jackdaw had died before he could be set free. Alaric had managed to survive the war and was pardoned for the murder of his ex master. No, he wanted more than to be just another soldier now. Something of heavier weight. Of greater meaning. Something less disposable, as he had been treated before. "As for my skill set...." He paused, thinking for a moment. He knew everyone saw his scar and immediately thought him as a great warrior. He didn't see himself as great, only as a survivor who did what he had to do when the time called for it. If the time called to fight, he fought. And he fought to win. To live. The truth behind his scars was a shut tight memory. He doubt anyone alive would ever know the real history behind them. His mind drifted to Atreyu. She had commented on them a few times. Would she accept the truth behind them? He didn't want to think of what would happen if she didn't. Would she think him a fraud? A weak man? Those thoughts were enough to snap the door shut for now. "Would you like to test them? A friendly spar, that is." He offered Azriel this much. "If not, I can respect your decision."

"I would pry deeper into your religion and maybe I will, one day. But for now I don't think I need to hear more of it." He told the man. "If you understand that is." He didn't want to listen to a sermon. He didn't want to hear any grand tales of loving gods. It would only run the deeper wound in mind and cause some loosely held back rage to boil. Flashbacks would happen, a mess would happen. He would make a fool of himself no doubt.